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Boerne 0.5k (Draft)

Sat October 8, 2022 Boerne, TX 78006 US
This Race is in Draft Mode


"Run" from your couch!
4-person package includes AirBnb and Meals!



We are back ya’ll !!!

The 2022 Games of the Boerne 0.5k - The Decathlon for the Rest of Us!

We’ve all dreamed of crossing that finish line, American flag in hand, exhausted from the competition, or beer, chips & salsa.  You now get to be that person! 

Join your fellow underachievers for a day (um, maybe more like 10 minutes) of GLORY, SELF-CONGRATULATORY CELEBRATION AND PARTICIPATION TROPHIES to raise money for a great organization, Blessings in a Backpack!

The 3rd Annual Boerne 0.5k will be held at 11 am on October 8, 2022 at River Road Park.

Of course y’all know that 2020 is an Olympic year, and this is most definitely not the Olympics.  Not even close. But in an honor of those fine athletes who actually “train” for a “race”, we are going to hold our own version…..



Here are the details!

  • The um, "Race" (emphasis on the air quotes) will start at River Road Park, just across from the Dodging Duck.  Lubricate your old person joints with a free beer courtesy of our great friends at the Duck. Hooray for beer!
  • Following the crack of the starting pistol (we’re checking on whether or not we can use real guns… we’re not) the um, "Race", will then head down the River Road Park walkway where you will encounter the decathlon events.  And of course by “decathlon events” we mean modified for the Boerne 0.5k.
  • It wouldn’t really be a Boerne 0.5k Decathlon if it actually included the full ten events, which is why it won't and why we are dropping seven of them.  Shhhh….we’ll continue to call it a decathlon so that you can top your triathlete friends humble brag stories.  (What did you do this weekend, Bob?  Oh, nothing big, I guess - just did a little triathalon.  Wow Bob, I’m proud of you and your little triathlon, but I did a decathlon.  Drop the mic, walk away.)
  • Pole vaulting!
  • Javelin!
  • 0.110 meter hurdles!
  • The um, “Race” will continue down the park path going underneath the Main Street Bridge where you will finish in a blaze of glory.  American flag in hand, Proud to be an American playing in the background. USA! USA! USA!
  • We will finish at the Grassy Knoll (too soon?), the area just below The Creek Restaurant.  It is here where the magic happens because now that you are a Gold Medal Decathlon “Winner”, you can take a whole bunch of selfies, post them all over social media, and generally remind all of your friends just how superior you are to them.  If you don’t take a selfie and post it somewhere, did it even happen?! No it did not.


Virtual Race Option!  Livestreamed Directly to Your Couch! Have a proxy throw the javelin on your behalf!

  • In the last two years, we’ve had almost 1500 people sign up for our Virtual Options.the Procrastinator Prize Pack - “Swag without the Effort”.  These were folks that either signed up after we were sold out, or were just too far away from Boerne to make it.
  • This year, you can participate from afar using our Virtual Race!  Proxies will um, “run” the race on your behalf and will livestream their efforts.
  • A few days beforehand, we will provide you with a private link so that you can watch the “race” as it unfolds.
  • Virtual Participants will get the t-shirt, the pretentious sticker and a Gold medal - you'll be able to claim that you actually participated and are a Decathalete and no one will know any different!  Brilliant! (All virtual participant names are stored in an encrypted database certified secure by the NSA and will be held in strict confidence and will never be released to the public. Your secret is safe with us.)
  • In all seriousness, the virtual option is our way to try and capture the generosity of all youse people that just want to join in on the stupidity.  We recognize that your donation is just that - and we hope you’ll support us again and join us from wherever you are in the world.


Goodies and Fun Stuff!

  • The pretentious oval Euro-style 0.5k sticker is back for 2020 and will now demonstrate that you are not a wimpy triathlete, but a DECATHLETE!  So much bragging rights. Slap that baby on your back windshield, hop on I-10 and appreciate the jealous stares of your fellow drivers as they drive by.  It’s possible you might even get pulled over by law enforcement officers who are looking for autographs. Pretty, pretty, pretty cool.
  • T-shirts of course.  Duh. And redesigned for 2020.  Duh.
  • No more dumb “participation medals”.....instead everyone will get a GOLD MEDAL! (Everyone is a Winner!  A Gold Medal Decathalete no matter how bad they are, because we are all about creating an environment of positivity and self-worth.)
  • If you thought last year’s “medal that is actually made out of wood that doubles as a coaster” was cool, your Gold Medal will be even better.  Go ahead and wear it to work on Monday and appreciate the jealous stares you get. You might even consider setting up a meet and greet table in your work’s employee break room and sign autographs.
  • NEW FOR 2020!  Announcing The 2020 Games of the Boerne 0.5k!  We heard you loud and clear on the post race survey that we never sent out and that you never bothered to return - we need pole vaulting, javelin and hurdles!   So we’re giving you EXACTLY what you didn’t ask for!
  • Of course, fan favorites from the last couple of years will be back - the Coffee and Donut station at the halfway point for carb-loading and energy, a designated smoking section, the medical/nurses tent, Matt Foley Motivational Speaker in his Van Down By The River.
  • New for 2020!  JLo* and Shakira* doing an encore of their Super Bowl performance at the post-”race” party!. *Artists subject to change.
  • Individual and group costume contests with prizes.  Dress up in anything fun, stupid and zany! Cool sunglasses, cowboy hats, short shorts, Spurs gear, pajamas, you name it.  Come dressed for fun!
  • Awards Presentation and post-”race” party at the Grassy Knoll (too soon?).  Our friends at Cibolo Creek Brewing Company will give all of you a free pint of beer just for you being you.  Hooray for beer!
  • Live music at the start and finish!
  • The world's best bagpipe player returns again in 2020!  Yes!!! He is one year better and therefore, likely the best bagpipe player you will hear in Boerne on that day.  He’s taking requests, but please, no rap or fusion jazz. Metal is fine, but no rap.
  • Much, much, much more (as we think of things)NEW FOR 2020!  Team “competition”


Team Competition

  • Team Captains can create the team through the registration process and then send invites to other team members.
  • At the Grassy Knoll we will have a backpack stuffing competition for teams.
  • What does this mean?
  • We don’t quite know? What are the rules?
  • We’ll figure them out.
    If you’re really worried about how the team competition will work, you probably don’t want to be on a team.  That’s not the point. Remember, everyone gets a trophy!
  • So stop asking questions, get your team together and sign up.


VIP Option

  • Don't feel like running?  Don't think you can make it the full 546 yards?  Then you should be a VIP.
  • For an additional $30, you don't even have to run!  How awesome is that?!
  • The official Boerne 0.5k shuttle is a restored 1963 VW bus.  If you don't want to walk over to the Grassy Knoll (too soon?), we'll shuttle you!
  • Rock Star VIP lanyard so you can walk around strutting your stuff, peacock.  Look at me and my VIP credentials and lanyard....I'm kind of a big deal.
  • Limo transportation may or may not be provided.  May not is probably more likely, but go ahead and get your hopes up.
  • You still get your free beer at both brewpubs, and all of the other goodies
  • NEW FOR 2020!  Obviously, VIPs are the most important because they have the money to buy their way into doing nothing.  So we are expanding that that VIP experience. You think last year’s VIP medals were big? Can you say Flavor Flav for 2019?  Oh yeah. Huge. We’re looking out for you, big spender.


Racecation Package

  • Wanna spend the weekend in our cool little town and turn the Boerne 0.5k into a Racecation?
  • There is only 1 Racecation packages available so act quickly!
  • The package is for four people.
  • Racecation package include:
  • VIP “Race” entry and all of the amazing trappings that come with it.
  • The 4-person package accommodations are at the Duck Inn, which is just a half block away from the Dodging Duck and the starting line of the Boerne 0.5k.  More information about this house is here.
  • Friday and Saturday overnight accommodations.
  • Dinner on Friday night, plus breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday at some of Boerne’s best locally owned restaurants.  Specific restaurants cannot be guaranteed but will include favorites such as Cypress Grille, Peggy’s on the Green, Little Gretel, The Creek, Cibolo Creek Brewery, Dodging Duck Brewhaus, Bear Moon Bakery and Cafe, etc.
  • The Boerne 0.5k “Race” course, restaurants, accommodations and historic downtown Boerne are all walkable.  Park your car upon arrival on Friday and you won’t need it again until Sunday at check-out.


  • Yes, we need them!
  • There is a link at the top of the website for volunteer information and registration.
  • Please pass the word to your friends.
  • And we'll gladly put your high schooler to work too and give them a signed Community Service form.



As I am sure you remember, the 2019 event sold out in 37 minutes!  37 minutes, people. We have expanded capacity for 2020 but fully expect it to sell out again, and quickly.

Priority Registration will open at 9 am on Saturday, February 22 for all returning participants from 2019.  See below for more information.

General Registration will open to everyone else at 9 am on Saturday, February 29 and will remain open until the event sells out, which will likely be quickly.


Priority Registration will open at 9 am on Saturday February 22.  Priority registration will end one week later on Saturday, February 29 when General registration opens.
If you did not participate in 2019, then you will need to register during General Registration beginning February 29.  We would highly suggest signing up immediately at 9 am as we anticipate another quick sell out.

If you are eligible but miss the priority registration window, you can still register during General registration, if there are spots available.
When you go to our website to register during the Priority period, the system will recognize the email address that you used to register in 2019.
YOU MUST use the same email address as 2019 in order to access priority registration.  The system does not use names to recognize you as a participant from 2019.
Priority registrants will be allowed to register the same (or less) number of participants as you registered in 2019.  For example, last year you registered yourself, your spouse, and two friends using YOUR email address.  In 2020, you will be permitted to register four people - they don’t have to be the same four as last year.

If you, your spouse and friends all registered using a different email address, then all of you will need to register separately again.
The good news is that you have one full week to get your Priority Registration done.  I have a full-time job that does not include the job description of Boerne 0.5k Website Support Dude.  So please, please, please attempt to register early in the priority period. That way if you have issues, we have plenty of time to work them out.  I will literally shrug my shoulders and say I told you so if you wait until 30 minutes before priority registration ends before panicking and realizing you can’t get into the system.  You have been warned. 

2019 Recap Video

2018 Recap Video


River Road Park
River Road
Boerne, TX US 78006

"Race" Contact Info

If you have any questions about this "Race", please contact the "Race" director at

The Official Boerne 0.5k Documentary

Only Some Were Boerne to Run: Others, Nah.


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