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SMAsh Dash – Run to Cure SMA 5K

Sat August 13, 2022 Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 US Directions


5K (Timed)

7:30AM CDT - 10:30AM CDT

5K (Not Timed)

7:30AM CDT - 10:30AM CDT


Fair Oaks Ranch Country Club
7900 Fair Oaks Parkway
Fair Oaks Ranch, TX US 78015


Our 13 year old daughter Kadence was born with a very rare genetic disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy or SMA. Kadence was diagnosed at 18 months old and it was a disease we had no knowledge of and hadn't ever even heard of.   SMA is characterized in different types.  Type 1 children pass away before two years of age.  Type 2 children are confined to a wheelchair and never walk.  Type 3 children can walk until their muscles atrophy enough to make them wheelchair bound.  Kadence has Type 3 SMA and is still walking right now.  She has a hard time jumping, running, and keeping up with peers but she is a spunky determined 13 year old and we are hoping to get this disease closer to a cure by hosting these races and raising money for SMA.

SMA affects approximately 1 in 10,000 babies, and about 1 in every 50 Americans is a genetic carrier. SMA can affect any race or gender. SMA is the number one genetic killer of babies under two and no one even knows about it.

Kids like Kadence with SMA have difficulty performing the basic functions of life, like breathing, swallowing, talking and even walking. However, SMA does not affect a person’s ability to think, learn, and build relationships with others.

Though there is currently no approved cure for SMA, there’s great reason for hope. We know what causes SMA and what we need to do to develop effective therapies, and we’re on the verge of major breakthroughs that will strengthen our children’s bodies, extend life, and eventually lead to a cure.

All proceeds from this race will benefit the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, Cure SMA, and the Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC).

Bring the family-fun for all ages and fitness levels!



Pre-Registration Fee: 

$30.00 18 & Over – timed

$20.00 17 & Under – timed

$25.00 18 & Over – untimed 

$15.00 17 & Under – untimed

There will be NO Race Day registration. 


Award Categories:

Age divisions: Male & Female

10 & Under, 10-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & Over

Medals awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in each age group. 


Early Packet Pick-Up

Will be done Saturday morning, if you need your packet on Friday please text me (210-882-9063) and we can make arrangements.

Race Day Schedule:

Check in: 6:00 – 7:00 am

Run starts @ 7:30 am

Snow cones, breakfast tacos and awards will be presented following the race.


Sponsorship Opportunity

Email for more information.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Thank you!!



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