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Wild Bill’s Pumpkin Fun Run

Sat November 7, 2020 Poteet, TX 78065 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

8:00AM CST - 5:00PM CST

10 and Under Fun Run

8:00AM CST - 5:00PM CST
Open to ages 10 and under.

Jack the Pumpkin King Sponsor

8:00AM CST - 5:00PM CST

Cinderalla Sponsorship

8:00AM CST - 5:00PM CST


595 Mobile Home Alley
Poteet, TX US 78065


First annual 5K Fun Run at George Farms
Racers will run the course thru the pumpkin field. Pick out your pumpkin on the way, but remember you have to carry it to the finish!

Runners get an event t-shirt, pumpkin, medal, and apple cider at the finish. 

Sign Up by October 1 for a discount and for bonus swag the day of the event.

Due to COVID-19, racers will start in waves of 10, spread out approximately 15 seconds apart.  Stay tuned for current County recommendations on masks at event.

Sponsorship Available

  • $500 Sponsorship includes: 2 Full runner entries with 2 meal plates. Advertisement on banner, event t-shirt, and website pages. Discount on additional runners.
  • $250 Sponsorship includes: 1 Full runner entry with 1 meal plate. Advertisement on banner, event t-shirt, and website pages. Discount on additional runners.

Virtual Race Option available. Virtual runners will receive a t-shirt, medal, and printable race bib. Early sign ups also receive a face mask. 

Kid Fun Run. Runner 10 and under can do the 1 mile fun run which includes a pumpkin, t-shirt, medal and (age appropriate) apple cider.

About the Event. Billy George was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on (date) at the age of (age). Billy has been approved for a Diabetic Alert Dog. All proceeds from the run and the event will go towards the cost of Billy’s life changing Dog. 

Besides the race, the day of the event, the family will be selling BBQ plates, there will be a silent auction, sales of baked and canned goods (all grown and made at George Farms). There will be face painting, a pumpkin costume contest, and other fun events the day of the race.

At George Farms, we truly put our family and community first. With our family running the farm, we have held many community events. We farm strawberries, pumpkins, summer vegetables, sunflowers, and anything else we can get into our fields. Currently, we are organizing a Community Fun Run to help raise money to get Billy's Diabetic Alert Dog. The idea is to have the path thru the pumpkin patch to pick your own pumpkin, but remember you have to carry it to the finish! Our plan is to make this an annual run, with a different child being our main focus every year. Participants and sponsors will receive swag including t-shirts, medals, and pumpkins. Due to COVID-19, we are planning the run to include staggered start times, social distancing, and a virtual run option.

What is a Diabetic Alert Dog? For years, Diabetes Assist Dogs have been used to detect low blood sugar levels in their diabetic owners and warn them of a hypoglycemic attack. Dogs smell their world. The dogs can detect the tiniest odors about one part per trillion. This lets the dogs sniff out various forms of cancer and diabetes.

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