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GO THE DISTANCE for Children battling Cancer in the RGV

Sun August 1 - Thu September 30 Rio Grande Valley, TX 78572 US Directions


Any street, Sidewalk or Trail where you live
Rio Grande Valley, TX US 78572



Description: 50 miles in 50 days is a virtual at home challenge that can be completed from any location Walk , Run or Ride. Challenge yourself, your friends and your family, to walk a minimum of one mile a day to bring awareness to Children battling cancer in the Rio Grande Valley. 


WANT TO GO THE DISTANCE FOR LOCAL KIDS? Create an individual fundraiser at sign up and get your family, friends or co-workers to join you! As you soon as you sign up receive your 2021 Greater Gold Foundation T Shirt and medal in the mail. All proceeds benefit families and children facing a cancer diagnosis in the Rio Grande Valley.


Learn more about our mission at



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Complete your walk, run or ride any day in August at your own pace and receive your finisher medal and t-shirt in the mail.  For all of our competitive racers join our race on STRAVA, and receive a swag bag for top competitors. 



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