Here are the courses:
Loops 1-3
8.7 miles
Loops 1-4 (Beaver Fever race loop w/ loop 4 cut-off)
11.1 miles
Loops 1-6 (whole trail)
13.7 miles
We are excited to host Tuesday Night XC Rowlett Creek Preserve Edition. Trails will rotate weekly through Daylight Saving Time.
Each category will have different trail lengths/sections for their individual laps. Staggered starts should prevent overlap between categories.
6pm Juniors Start
6:30pm Beginners Start
6:40pm Intermediate Start
6:45pm Advanced Start
Women and men in each category will start together but they will be scored separately.
More details soon (including category distances/lap details). Stay tuned!
Beginner racers should be true Beginner racers in their first season of racing with no podiums. Promoters reserve the right to disqualify sandbaggers at our own discretion. Junior racers should be experienced racers who are able to negotiate the full trail without escort or parental assistance. This is not a Kids' Kup type format. This is real racing.
Club Spinistry members save $10
Spinistry ten commandments:
1. Thou shalt not have any other goal before you but to have fun.
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee a litter bug.
3. Thou shalt not take the spirit of self-supported in vain.
4. Remember event day, it is holy.
5. Honor thy bike shops and thy distillers/fermenters.
6. Thou shalt not cheat.
7. Thou shalt not commit assholery.
8. Thou shalt not be unprepared. Know your race loop and pre-ride (or at least study the map).
9. Thou shalt not ask scoring what place you came in/what your time was. Results will either be available on-site on a display or posted afterwards on the registration page. We will call out podiums for each group and offer a protest period. Make sure you stick around if you feel you podiumed.
10. Thou shalt covet thy neighbor's bike, gear, lung capacity, navigation skills, etc. and seek to make them yours as well.
1. This is a public trail, and we are not able to close it for our race. Please be courteous to any foot traffic or other non-riders you see on the trail today. For the advanced racers... if you see any horses on between loops 5 and 6 remember they have the right of way. There is a short section where everyone shares the trail.
2. This trail is a series of loops and bike traffic rides in a counter-clockwise direction.
3. This trail has a lot of shortcuts, cut-throughs and fishing trails. Please stay on the main trail, follow the red arrows and do not cut the course. There are several sections of switchbacks, please do not cut them.
4. The teeter totter is not part of the race course. Please go around it to the right.
5. We will be using Spinistry red arrows for course marking today. All turns/forks are marked, but not all intersections. If you come to an intersection and do not see an arrow, keep going in the same direction.
6. THIS IS ONLY FOR THE JUNIOR/BEGINNER RACERS. You are racing on loops 1-3. Your eastern turnaround is the loop 3/4 split. There are two arrows at the top of a punchy, rocky climb. The arrow to the left has a number 1 on it and the arrow to the right is
chutes and ladders-2.png
juniors and beginers turnaround.png
intermediate turnaround.png
teeter totter.png
chutes and aldders location.png
chutes and ladders.png
blank. JUNIORS/BEGINNERS follow the arrows with number 1's on them. When you get to the section labeled "Chutes and Ladders" you will be taking the fork to the left. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RIDE UP THE WALL CLIMB. Your race loop is approximately 8.7 miles long.
7. THIS IS ONLY FOR THE INTERMEDIATE RACERS. You are racing on loops 1-4 (we will be turning around before the official end of loop 4). You will be following all blank red arrows. The number 1's are only for the JUNIORS/BEGINNERS and the number 3's are only for the ADVANCED. Your turnaround is shortly before the official end of loop 4. There are blank red arrows directing you to a cut-through to the left. There are also red arrows with 3's directing the advanced racers to keep going. When you get to the section labeled "Chutes and Ladders" you will be taking the fork to the left. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RIDE UP THE WALL CLIMB. Your race loop is approximately 11.1 miles long.
8. THIS IS ONLY FOR THE ADVANCED RACERS. You are racing on the whole trail, loops 1-6. You will be following all blank red arrows, unless there's an arrow with a number 3. Red arrows with number 3's are for ADVANCED racers to follow only. Your turnaround will be at Pocahontas Drive. It is the natural end of the trail. There are Spinistry red arrows directing you where to go to head back. Loop 6 is a lollipop. When you come back on the return you will ride a short section of trail you rode on the way out. When you get to the section on Loop 6 labeled "The Gauntlet" (there's a sign), stay on the left (high side of the trail). If you go to the right you'll find yourself on a fishing trail and off course. Coming back on Loop 1 west when you get to the section labeled "Chutes and Ladders" you have the choice of either the easy line to the left or the wall climb straight ahead. Your race loop is approximately 13.7 miles long.
9. EVERYONE. If you have questions ask them during the racers meeting. Please DO NOT make assumptions based off of other races you have done. If something is unclear, ask about it.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
33.044608 -97.207002
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