Suite 400
Round Rock, TX US 78665
This event has something for everyone. In an effort to keep people motivated and working towards a goal, we have created an event where you decide how tough you are. Choose from easy to hard, double up, or go for it and Run It All! We have created both a Facebook Group and a Strava Group where you will be able to interact with other runners and check everyone's progress.
You can choose from the following choices each having their own set of awesome swag:
Half Marathon (13.1 miles and must be completed in a single run with a 4 hour time limit) - Custom shirt, custom patch and stainless steel pint glass
Marathon (26.2 miles and must be completed in a single run and must be completed in an 8 hour time limit) - Custom shirt, custom patch and stainless steel pint glass
50 miler (you have 16 total hours to complete it which can be broken up into no more than 3 individual runs between 8/1 and 9/30)- Custom shirt, custom hat, custom patch and stainless steel pint glass
100 miler (you have 34 hours to complete it which can be broken up into no more than 6 individual runs between 8/1 and 9/30) - Custom shirt, custom hat, 2 custom patches, stainless steel pint glass, and custom Patch Buckle with patch
Halfway There - (complete both the Marathon and the 50 miler. You have 24 hours to complete it which can be broken up into no more than 4 individual runs between 8/1 and 9/30) - Custom hat, custom shirt, stainless steel pint glass and custom patch and custom Patch Buckle
Run It All - (complete all 4 distances. You have 62 hours to complete it which can be broken up into no more than 11 individual runs between 8/1 and 9/30) - Custom hat, custom shirt, custom Patch buckle with patch, stainless steel pint glass and 2 custom patches, and a custom handheld.
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Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.