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Virtual Rattler 5K

Fri September 4 - Mon September 7 San Marcos, TX 78666 US Directions


2601 Rattler Road
San Marcos, TX US 78666


Each year during the last weekend of August in San Marcos TX, the Air Force JROTC sponsors the "fast & furious"  Rattler Run & 5K.  This 5K Race is a tremendous Community Event designed to kick-off the school year at San Marcos High School.  Unfortunately, COVID 19 has changed everything EXCEPT our Cadets' motivation to provide service to their school and community.  We're continuing the tradition of a 5K race on Labor Day Weekend, September 4-7, 2020:  "Virtual Rattler 5K" 

Each Runner will participate at their own pace and from their own location.  No one will run the Virtual Rattler 5K from San Marcos High School.  Simply, choose your favorite running or walking route, track it with the MapMyRun App and submit screenshot to us when you're done!  Could it get any easier?

Additionally, the Virtual Rattler 5K is the primary fundraiser to support  AFJROTC activities throughout the school year.  Air Force JROTC still need funds for supplies, field trips, and after-school activities such as CyberPatriot, Drill Team, Spirit Team, and Color Guards. The Virtual Rattler 5K will enable our Cadets to continue the tradition and provide a family-focused activity for the Central Texas Community.

How much is the Virtual Rattler 5K?  Race entry fee is $25.

What do I get with my paid fee? Race kit includes a 5K race entry, T-shirt, and downloadable digital bib.

How will the results be posted? Leaderboard Results will be posted online starting on the first day of the race, September 4, 2020

When can I submit results? Participants can upload results starting on September 4, 2020 @9AM thru September 7, 2020 @9PM.

How do I submit results?  After your registration, you will receive an email activation.  This is your check-in similar to the Registration Tent before heading to the Start Line. You can use any app or device to track your run. I recommend the MAPMYRUN App.  Once you complete the 5K/3.1 Mile distance, submit your time and distance to the Results Tab on our website. Take a screenshot of your Time and Distance with your photo included. MAPMYRUN has a function to take your photo and include it with run results that you can share.  Send your Race Day photos with your Runner Name in the Subject Line to and we will post it on our social media accounts. 

*If you're an experienced runner, you can also submit a GPX file from your GPS tracker.  Be sure to include your race day photo!  

How will I get my T-Shirt?  Packet pick-up will be held at the SMHS Bus Loop on September 1-2, 2020 from 5PM-8PM on both days.(Tuesday & Wednesday)  If you are registering from out-of-town, we will mail your Race T-Shirt within 2 weeks of the event via U.S.P.S.  **Be sure to include the proper mailing address on your registration!  

Share your post-race selfies with us on Facebook & Instagram! Tag your posts with #VIRTUALRATTLER5K

Race Director:  Anthony Williams,, 210-701-0423.



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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