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Take a 40-Day VIRTUAL TREK  to walk hand-in-hand through the peaks and valleys of our road to physical wellness–however that may look–together.  You get to complete your own race, at your own pace. 

$65 Early Bird Registration ends March 10th


And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.



You can take this trek on foot -- run, jog, or walk on the road, on the trail, on the treadmill, at the gym or on the track; or on a bike-- outside or inside. You can even substitute exercise for miles!  


Each participant gets the following items:

  • A printable race bib
  • An event t-shirt (optional)
  • A race badge (optional)
  • Digital milestone badges
  • A printable finisher certificate
  • Access to our social media community that will keep you motivated
  • The blessed feeling that you will get by supporting a very worthy cause

If you register by March 3rd, we will ship your t-shirts and race badge out by the end of March.  If you register after March 3rdh, we will ship your swag out towards the end of the race.

The First Place for Health program gives hope and confidence to lose weight, keep it off, and live a healthy, vibrant lifestyle. For over 40 years, our approach offers a safe and proven Christ-centered strategy which includes physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Resulting in lasting change.  Lose weight. Find Freedom.

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