The White Ribbon Project
About the White Ribbon Project:
“While lung cancer death rates have been declining for decades, more than half of people with lung cancer will die within one year of being diagnosed. The stigma associated with lung cancer – believing that the individual brought this upon themselves – stymies our path to progress. Empathy, along with stable funding and rigorous research, is vital if we want to conquer this awful disease.” Roy Jensen, MD, Director, University of Kansas Cancer Center
“Knowing that we are reaching out to ALL lung cancer advocates to make them feel included, to feel loved, brings Pierre and me great comfort.”
— Heidi Onda
What is the power of the ribbon?
People are using their white ribbons to start conversations within their community, in cancer centers, and with other lung cancer advocates about how we can support each other and create a sense of community.
The White Ribbon Project is about taking power back. WE have to be comfortable talking about lung cancer before other people will be open to it.