Race Day Details
Please read through the following to ensure a great race day experience!
- Race Day/Time: June 19th - 5K at 9am and Kids 1 Mile Run at 10am
- Location: Running Hare Vineyards, 150 Adelina Road, Prince Frederick, MD
- Check-In: 7:30-8:30am
- Parking: The main driveway will be closed between 8:50-9:30am and limited access between 10-10:15am as runners will be on this roadway. Participants and Spectators should all be on-site before 8:30am. Spectators arriving after 8:50 will be required to wait.
- Results: We will post and email Results. Here is link: https://runsignup.com/Race/Volunteer/MD/PrinceFrederick/TheFathersDayBrunch5KKidsFunRun
- Bibs: Please be sure to wear your race bib on the font of you body - not back. Also the lower you wear the bib the better (i.e. your leg or waist vs. upper chest)
- Awards: We will announce the top overall and Age Group winners at about 10:15am. Age Groups are under 10, 10-14, 5-19, 20-29, 30-39, etc.
- Post Race:
- Beer /Wine/Soda - All runners will have a drink ticket to redeem for a beer, wine or soda!
- Live Music - We have Matt McConville performing live til Noon!
- Brunch - All 5K participants receive a tasty breakfast wrap!
- Course Map: https://www.plotaroute.com/route/841551
- Rain or Shine
- No Refunds or Transfers