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Frequently Asked Questions

General Event Information

Q. Where and when does the race start?

A. The race will start promptly at 9:00 a.m., on the street directly in front of the restrooms.

Q. How will the race be started?

A. The race director will countdown from 3 and sound a siren to signal the race start.

Q. Is there a wave start?

A. No, everyone will start the race at the same time. For safety, we ask faster runners to line up near the front and slower runners or walkers to line up closer to the back.

Q. Will split times be given?

A. Official chip timed splits will not be provided. However, unofficial split times (using stopwatches) will be given to runners as they pass each mile marker.

Q. Will the results be posted at the park? How can I see them later in the day too?

A. Results will be posted under the pavilion as they are made available. They will also be posted online, most likely later in the day, at

Q. I have this awesome idea for your race. Do you want to hear it?

A. Absolutely! At the event, fill out the door prize survey and drop it in the bucket provided. Otherwise, please send your comments to the God Water Director of Fundraising at

Q. What is your weather policy?

A. This race will be run in rain or shine. However, if severe weather hits, the event will be cancelled. Due to the nature of the event, it will not be rescheduled and refunds will not be issued.

Registration and Check-In Information

Q. Is there packet pick-up before race day?

A. No, packets can be picked up the morning of the race only.  Registration and packet pick up open at 7:30 a.m.

Q. I was a fundraiser! How can I get my prizes?

A. The fundraising prize pick-up is located under the pavilion on race day. Any prizes for levels reached before May 6th will be available at the fundraising prize pick-up table on race day. The top fundraising prize (5K running jackets) will be ordered on May 27th after the fundraising window has closed and any prize levels earned after May 6th will be mailed to your registered address upon receipt.

Q. My shirt doesn’t fit. Can I exchange it?

A. We don’t anticipate having extra shirts for exchanges, but you can check with the registration team under the pavilion to see if there are extras of your needed size. We cannot guarantee availability.

Q. I’m injured. Can someone else run for me?

A. We’re sorry, but for insurance purposes as well as for the accuracy of our finisher rankings, bibs are non-transferrable.

Q. Okay, so can I have my money back?

A. Registrations are non-refundable. Anyone who decides they can no longer participate, however, can still pick up their bag of sponsor goodies and t-shirt on race day!

Course Information

Q. Is there a water stop? Where?

A. Yes, it is located at mile 2 on the north side of Kathleen Drive. Please refrain from crossing the road to get to the water stop early as you may collide with oncoming runners.

Q. Can I wear earbuds on the course?

A. For safety, we recommend that participants refrain from wearing earbuds during the race. Be sure that you are able to hear volunteers as well as cars that could possibly enter the course.

Q. Can I take pictures on the course? Can my family?

A. Of course! If you are stopping to take pictures on the course we ask that you are aware of any runners around you and be sure to move out of the way. Spectators are welcome to take pictures at any time.

Q. Is it okay if I have to stop and walk?

A. Absolutely. We ask you to kindly move off to the edge of the course before slowing to a walk in order to avoid runner collisions.

Q. Will there be medical personnel?

A. The Schererville Fire Department may have an ambulance with emergency medical staff available near the finish, but it is not guaranteed. Should you encounter an emergency at the event, call 911 from your phone or seek the assistance of one of our volunteers.

Q. What does the course look like?

A. Course maps can be found at the Information table under the pavilion or with your goody bags.

Q. Can I walk my dog or push my baby in a stroller on the course?

A. We’re sorry, but due to liability insurance regulations, no strollers or animals on leashes are allowed on the course.

Q. Do I have to finish the race at a certain time?

A. Walkers are very welcome at our race! However, the roads will only stay closed for one hour and the timing company may stop timing the race at the one hour mark as well. The race can be completed at a very walkable 19 minute per mile pace. After one hour, we will encourage any participants still on the course to complete the race on the sidewalks for their safety. Official times may not be given to anyone finishing beyond the hour mark.

Awards Ceremony

Q. When are awards?

A. Awards are expected to begin at approximately 10:00 a.m.

Q. What kinds of awards will be given?

A. The overall first male and female finishers and Masters (40+) male and female finishers will be given trophies. Age group medals for top three males and females will also be given.

Q. Any other prizes?

A. There will be a chance to win one of our donated door prizes if you fill out the survey near registration. Surveys will be drawn and winners will have the chance to choose a prize at the end of the awards ceremony. If you want to be considered for a prize, be sure to stick around as only those present will be eligible to win!


Other Post-Race Information

Q. What kinds of post race snacks will be available?

A. We will have bananas, other snacks, and water available at the Runner Snack table near the pavilion. 

Q. Can spectators have bananas too?

A. We want to make sure that all runners have the post-race fuel that they require, so please refrain from taking runner food until all participants have gotten the chance to grab what they want. 

Facility Information

Q. Can we play at the park?

A. Absolutely! The park is open to the public during this event and you are free to use the facilities as you wish.

Q. Can we use the restroom facility?

A. Yes! It too is open to the public.

Q. Did I park in an okay place? Or, where should I park?

A. If the park’s lots are already closed off, you may park either at the Pennsy trail lot across Austin or even down a bit futher at the Schererville Police Department. Alternatively, any streets without road closure signs along the sides of the roads are open to the public for parking. Please be respectful of residents and their property, though.

Charity Information

Q. How can I find out more about God Water?

A. We’re so happy that you’re interested! There is a God Water information table located at the pavilion. And visit any time.

Q. Can we make donations?

A. Of course! There are donation boxes located under the pavilion at the Information table and at the God Water table. Checks can be made payable to God Water. Secure online donations can be made at

Q. Are donations tax-deductible?

A. Yes! God Water is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Q. How much money did you raise at this event?

A. We will be announcing a preliminary total at the end of the awards ceremony.

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