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The Good Shepherd Classic

Fri November 6, 2020 Griffin, GA 30223 US Directions


The Good Shepherd Classic
Benefiting the Good Shepherd Clinic
Brought to you by Foster & Smith
Sponsorship Options:
Gold Sponsor - $2,000 
                   Includes two teams of four, two golf carts, and a large (4x6) banner. Also includes ability to place promotional materials in goody bag.

Silver Sponsor - $1,000 
                  Includes one team of four, one golf cart, and a large (4x6) banner.
                  Also includes ability to place promotional materials in goody bag.

Station Sponsor - $250 
                  Includes exclusive sponsorship of one shooting station with a station sign and a sign at the clubhouse.

Score Card Sponsor - $500 (1 sponsorship available)
                  Company name and logo featured on all scorecards for the event.
                  Also includes ability to place promotional materials in goody bag.
To sponsor, please make checks payable to “Good Shepherd Clinic” and note in the subject line “Fall Classic.” Send checks and the completed form below to: Good Shepherd Clinic, P.O. Box 6, Morrow, GA 30260 or you can hand deliver them to Foster & Smith, 118 S. Main St., Jonesboro, GA 30236, Phone: (770)478-4000. Please send logos for placement on signage and banners via email to If you plan to include promotional items in the event goody bag, please plan to bring at least 100 items.        

If you are a Gold or Silver Sponsor, you will be emailed a code to the email address you provide on the form to register your team/teams online.

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

Presenting Sponsor

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