Shirts and Awards
5K Run / 5K Walk
The following items are included with the registration fee:
- Technical Running Shirt
- B-Tag timing
- Overall, Masters and Grand Masters Male & Female Awards
- Finisher Medal
Green Mile Run / Walk
The following items are included with the registration fee:
- Technical Running Shirt
- Bib #1 (no timing chip)
- Finisher Medal
Note: Late registrants may not receive a shirt on race day, a secondary order will be placed and the shirt shipped to you or a cash refund of $7.00.
There will be NO REFUNDS unless there was an accidental double signup.
Shirt exchanges - please check back after the race concludes to see if any extra shirts remain. If so, you may swap for a different size. If you registered late and did not get a shirt, please check back at the end of the race to see if a shirt in your size remains. If not, please fill out a mailing label and a shirt will be shipped to you after we place a secondary order.