1. I registered but can't run the race, are deferrals allowed?
Unfortunately, deferrals aren't allowed because all the runner gifts are purchased ahead of time. We do allow for the transfer of the bib, up to a week prior to race day, if you know of someone who wants to run in your place (or go to our Facebook site and discuss there). Most races charge a transfer fee, we will not, but the new runner will have to fill out a registration form.
2. Are headphones allowed? Dogs? Baby strollers?
Yes on the headphones (just keep the volume at a low enough level to hear race officials). No to dogs, yes to strollers.
3. I'd like to volunteer for the race, how can I?
Go to the main site and/or contact me. And by the way - WE LOVE VOLUNTEERS!!!
4. How do I sponsor the race?
My favorite question ‐ go to the sponsor tab on the main site. We need you!!!
5. Are the roads closed during the race?
No, Redding has so few "through" roads that this isn't possible. In saying that, we run these roads very often on early weekend mornings and the traffic is extremely light. You'll probably see more police cars than regular cars
6. What kind of timing is used?
B-Tag Chip Timing (on the back of the bib).
7. What type of weather should I expect?
Check out the May 3rd weather tab on the site, but typical early May Redding weather would be high 40s/low 50s at the start and high 50s/low 60s at the finish ‐ ideal running weather. Chance of rain would be around 23%.
8. Is there a race hotel?
Refer to the Lodging page under General Info. La Quintas is our host hotel and is offering a great deal.
9. How much of the profits are going to Redding charities?
Every penny, and all staff is voluntary.
10. Will race entries be limited?
We do recommend that you register on January 1st, as the race sold out in 4 days last year and could sell out in less than a day this year.
11. What is the goal of the race?
Simply, to give runners the best race experience possible. If we do that, all else will fall into place.
12. What type of schwag will I get?
Can't tell you, I want it to be a surprise. I can tell you that the t‐shirt and medal are already designed and are gorgeous. All runners will receive a high quality performance shirt and also designed are multiple other race mementos that are unique to the race and are very very cool. These will be gifts that I promise the likes of which you've never seen before in a road race (and if you have, keep running that race too)‐ much better than you even get at marathons at the fraction of the registration price.
13. What type of food will be provided before, during, and after the race?
Before will be coffee, fruit, bagels and donuts. After is pizza, home made cookies and tons of other foods, including some vegan dishes. During the races, we'll have water and gatorade at every station, and candy, fruit and soda at still another station. It's our goal for you to gain weight during the race.
14. What's the cold sponge station?
Late in the race, we'll be handing runners a cold sponge to refresh their faces, necks, etc. We want all runners to be refreshed for the last few miles. I first encountered this at the Richmond Marathon and loved it.
15. Is there a baggage check?
Yep, .. We'll have labels where you can enter your name and race number and we'll safeguard them during the race. Note ‐ you can also just throw your stuff in your car, which will be close to the start and finish. Your choice ‐ often people don't like carrying their keys during a race.
Note: There is also one clothing/item drop off out on the course in Topstone Park.
16. Is there a time limit to running the race? Is there an early start?
We want all races (except the Fun Run) to be over by 11am. In saying that, we'd never pull you from the course. If you think you may not be able to finish by 11, you can begin at either of the early start of 7:15am. All aid stations will be up and running early to accommodate any early starters.
17. What are the age groups and age group awards?
3 deep, no double dipping. Divisions are standard 5 years divisions for the 7 miler and 5 year divisions for the half marathon. Overall, there will be 140+ award winners who'll receive great awards.
18. Are the races certified, is the race sanctioned by the USATF?
Yes and Yes. Sanctioned and insured by the USATF.
19. May I switch to another race?
Yes, if changing to a longer race, just pay the difference. If to a shorter one, thank you for your added donation to New Pond Farm.
20. Are the races walker friendly?
Yep, see 16 above
21. How can I see race results?
Click on the results tab on the main page. We'll get these posted as quickly as possible.
22. I'm with the press, can I interview the RD and/or the race winner?
Yes, we love the press, just contact me.
23. Can I e-mail the RD constructive criticism?
Absolutely, and I promise to respond to you. We want to make this the best race possible and are all ears to anything we can do better. You can also e-mail me nice things. :)
24. Are turns and miles clearly marked on the course?
Yes, all turns are indicated with arrows on the road and signs, There are also police officers, EMTS, and Sentries located throughout the course. You'd really have to work hard to get lost!!
25. Is the course flat?
Nope, it's Redding, CT and this is not an easy course. In saying that, we've avoided the major hills in the area and as long as you are in reasonable shape, the hill are runnable and short in nature. I would classify the race as having rolling hills, and a lot of them. I run this route all the time (not always in shape) and the beauty is that generally the hills are not very steep, are short in duration and tend to be followed by downhills. There are also flats where you can easily get into your pace. The course is also very very shady.
26. How can my friends and family watch me during the race?
Watch the start and finish at Hoty Campgrounds. Other vantage points are shown on the spectator guide on the main site. We also have provided a neighborhood Runners Viewing Guide that gives estimates on when runners will be passing by your house (if you have a house along the course).
27. What if I have to drop out during the race?
Flag down a volunteer at an aid station and we'll arrange for your safe passage back to New Pond Farm. Fun Run racers need not apply.
28. I see the course crosses train tracks, will this be an issue during the race?
For runners running a 9:30 pace you might get stop by a train in West Redding around mile 12. If oyu keep track of the delay we can subtract it from your chip finishing time.
29. Where is the start and finish line?
At Hoyt Campground
30. Will there be adequate parking available at the start?
Yes, but please carpool if possible. We'll have about 250 parking spots in the campground with additional parking on Simpaug Turnpike.
31. When and where is packet pickup? Can someone pick up my packet on my behalf?
Check out the General Info Tab for baggage pickup. Yes you can have someone pick up your packet as long as you have a copy of their license.
32. Are there port‐a‐potties on the course?
Yes, at the beginning and end of the race and at each of the aid stations on the course
33. Can I buy additional race merchandise?
Yes, when registering. All shirts are have high quality silk screening and hats/visors are embroidered. Any merchandise purchased will be available when you pick up your race packet.
34. Any other questions, can I contact RD?
Absolutely, and I love emailing, so I'll get back to you quickly.