Mileage Tracking
To track your mileage, starting on May 30th go to and click on the 'Results' link at the top of the screen. Then click the 'Submit Virtual Results' button and enter your info, the date you ran/walked, your mileage as well as your time. The platform will tally your total as you enter your miles for different days. Please enter total miles for a day; for example, if you do a double workout, let's say 7 miles in the AM and another 4 miles in the PM, please enter 11 miles for that day. If you enter 7 miles first thing that day and enter your 4 miles later, the system won't add the two together and you will only get credit for 4 miles. Detailed instructions on submitting your results can be found here. Please only enter your total mileage and time for a particular day once. Estimate your elevation gain as best as possible, or enter a zero if you feel that is appropriate.