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Coast to the Oast presented by Shores & Islands Ohio

Sat September 13, 2025 Port Clinton, OH 43452 US Directions

10 Mile Route

The details on the 10 Mile route

  • The 10 Mile Loop will be scenic lap around Catawba Island.
  • Take a photo-break at East Catawba State Park to enjoy the view.
  • Enjoy a rest stop at Gideon Owen with a tasty snack plus your classic rest stop food and drink.
  • Cruise through some local neighborhoods that have that island charm.

10 Mile Route & 10 Mile Map


**Riders are encouraged to complete the 10 Mile course within 2 hours of the 10 Mile start time. This is an average of 5 miles per hour for the 10 mile distance. Should a rider be out on the course after the suggested length of the ride time, there is no guarantee that aid stations will be available for aid. 


  • Riders are STRONGLY encouraged to download the What3Words app
  • Why? When a rider calls the SAG team, this app can easily identify the rider's location.
  • How does the app work? The rider will open the app and either use the 'share' button or click the blue arrow for the specific 3 words to indicate the location.
  • This will help the SAG quickly identify where the rider is located.
  • The SAG number is 216-545-7373 (This number takes calls only & not text messages)

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