Q: How do I know if I signed up for the race?
A: Log in to your Run Sign Up account. Click the circle profile icon. Select profile. The race in question should be listed under My Upcoming Events or if you select My Registered Races (under My Upcoming Events) it will also be listed here.
Q: Can I transfer my race registration to another race?
A: Yes, when there are greater than 30 days until race date. Follow these steps:
Log in to your Run Sign Up account. Click the circle profile icon. Select profile. The race in question should be listed under My Upcoming Events. Click on Manage Registration. Click on Transfer to Another Race in the bottom section of the page.
Q: Can I receive a refund for this race?
A: Yes, when there are greater than 30 days until race date. Processing fees cannot be refunded. Follow these steps:
Log in to your Run Sign Up account. Click the circle profile icon. Select profile. The race in question should be listed under My Upcoming Events. Click on Manage Registration. Click on Request Refund in the bottom section of the page.
Q: Are there any discounts for race registration fees?
A: Unless listed on our social media or announced through the Race Page – registration fees are as posted.
Q: Can I exchange my race shirt for a different size before the race?
A: Through packet pick-up you can change your shirt size following these steps: Log in to your Run Sign Up account. Click the circle profile icon. Select profile. The race in question should be listed under My Upcoming Events. Click on manage. Scroll to bottom and select Change Giveaway Option. NOTE: If a shirt size is sold out, you will not be able to switch to the sold out size. In this instance, you will need to take the shirt size for which you registered. On race day, after the race has started, if we have a shirt in the size you want still available, you can swap at that time.
Q: Can I do the race virtual even though it’s an in-person race?
A: We are not supporting virtual racing at this time for this event.
Q: Can I register for the race in store instead of online?
A: All registrations, even race day registrations, are done on computers. Our Fleet Feet stores have computers that you can utilize to register. If you need assistance registering please feel free to come inside and we can help you out.
Q: Can I pick up my bib and shirt at the race?
A: Yes! If you are unable to pick up your packet in store - it will be at the race registration table prior to the start of the race.
Q: Can I register on race day?
A: If there are available spots on race day - this race usually sells out before race day. I wouldn't chance it.
Q: Where do I park for the race?
A: Parking info will be posted under race info when set for this year.
Q: Where do I find a map of the race route?
A: Maps will be posted under race info when the course have been made.
Q: What happens if there’s bad weather on race day?
A: Weather conditions will be monitored on race day. In the case of severe weather, the start times of the races may be delayed. Rain does not cancel race. In the extreme case the weather is severe enough to cancel the race, there will be no makeup date.
Q: Will water be provided for participants?
A: Yes! Water will be provided on the route.
Q: Where do I find the race results?
A: Results are posted HERE. Select the correct distance and type in your bib number or name to see results.
Q: My question wasn’t answered. What now?
A: Please email race@goldendrillerracing.com with any additional questions!