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Trail to Tryon Holiday Half

Sat December 6, 2025 New Bern, NC 28562 US Directions


What is included in race registration?
Race registration includes a t-shirt, swag bag, finisher medal* and access to the Runners’ Celebration on Bate Commons at the North Carolina History Center.   Runner’s registering on race day will receive bib and access to the Runners’ Celebration.
*subject to availability

Will there be race day registration?
Yes. Race day registration will open at 6 a.m. and close one hour before the actual race, however we cannot guarantee a t-shirt or finisher medal. Race day registration will take place at the starting point in front of the gates of Tryon Palace at the corner of Pollock and George Street.

Are the courses certified?

Maps of each race course are on this site and each course is certified for its’ distance.  The interactive maps listed on the website were created with GPS tracking devices which tend to be inaccurate. Please disregard the distances on the interactive maps. Exact route details for each race are listed below.

There will be a live cannon shot to start every race.

PLEASE NOTE:  There will be feather banners and arrow signs marking each turn. A feather banner on the right-hand side of the rode marks a right-hand turn. A feather banner on the left-hand side of the road marks a left-hand turn. There are segments of each race course that are common to all three races but there are two key turns for the 10K and Half Marathon runners that are noted with signage.  The first difference is on the corner of George and Broad Street where 5K goes straight and 10K and Half Marathon turn right. The second is at the corner of Pollock and First where 10K goes left and Half Marathon goes straight. There should be Police at both turns.

7:00 a.m. – Half Marathon – Certification Code NC22028BDS
Please see 5K map for more detailed information of the route through Downtown New Bern.
S. Front Street (Police will control crossing), right on trail before E. Front Street, left to go under bridge, stay on concrete path around park, straight onto park drive, right on E. Front, go down E. Front staying on the right hand side of the road or sidewalk, go around the traffic circle onto Broad Street, turn right on Craven, left on Queen, right on Howard, Police will control crossing George, left on Cypress, left on Nunn, left on Main, right on George, left on Queen (Police will control crossing), right on Metcalf, right on New, left on George (no Police assist here), right on Broad (Police will control),left on Queen (Police will control crossing),right on Pollock, straight onto Trent Blvd. (Police will control crossing), straight onto Trent Road (Police will control crossing Simmons Street), left on  Chelsea, left on Country Cub Road, left on Fairway (Police will control crossing), take Fairway around to the right, right on Greenwood, Right on Country Club Drive, left on Country Club Road (Police will control crossing), right into St. Paul Church, loop through Church Road, right on Country Club Road, right on Lawson Creek Park, Turnaround at sign, right on Country Club, straight on First, right on Pollock, right on Eden to finish.

7:30 a.m. – 10K – Certification Code NC22027BDS
Start on Pollock at George running east, right on Middle Street, left on S. Front Street (Police will control crossing), right on trail before E. Front Street, left to go under bridge, stay on concrete path around park, straight onto park drive, right on E. Front, go down E. Front staying on the right hand side of the road or sidewalk, go around the traffic circle onto Broad Street, turn right on Craven, left on Queen, right on Howard, Police will control crossing George, left on Cypress, left on Nunn, left on Main, right on George, left on Queen (Police will control crossing), right on Metcalf, right on New, left on George (no Police assist here), right on Broad (Police will control),left on Queen (Police will control crossing),right on Pollock, left on First (Police will control crossing), straight on Country Club, left into Lawson Creek Park (Police will control crossing), turnaround along loop road (there will be a sign), right on  Country Club, straight on First, right on Pollock, right on Eden to finish

8:15 a.m. – 5K – Certification Code NC22026BDS
A detailed map is attached.
Start on Pollock at George running east, right on Middle Street, left on S. Front Street (Police will control crossing), right on trail before E. Front Street, left to go under bridge, stay on concrete path around park, straight onto park drive, right on E. Front, go down E. Front staying on the right hand side of the road or sidewalk. go around the traffic circle onto Broad Street, turn right on Craven, left on Queen, right on Howard, Police will control crossing George, left on Cypress, left on Nunn, left on Main, right on George, left on Queen (Police will control crossing), right on Metcalf, right on New, left on George (no Police assist here), cross over Broad (Police will control crossing) right on Pollock, immediate left on Eden to finish.

Will there be bag storage?
There will be a courtesy bag check, sponsored by Thompson Homes Real Estate, at the starting line if you have a bag, jacket or anything else you don’t wish to carry on the race route. The truck will be at the finish line after the start of the 5K race at 8:15 a.m. Please note, there will be a live cannon shot to start every race.

When will the awards be distributed?
Awards for the top three male and female times in each age category will be distributed during the Runners’ Celebration once all the runners have completed beginning at approximately 10:30 a.m.

Can you provide information on packet pick-up?

Packets and bibs may be picked up from noon to 7:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8, at the Visitor Center located at 316 S. Front Street in New Bern. If you are unable to pick up your packet on Friday, your bib will be at the starting line and the rest of your packet will be available for pick up at the Visitor Center Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or Sunday noon to 4 p.m. Runners can register up to one hour before their race on November 9, however we cannot guarantee a t-shirt or finisher medal.

Is there any option to have a race packet mailed to you?

Virtual participants can have their packets mailed.

Where is the race location starting point?
The race starting point will be in front of the gates of Tryon Palace at the corner of Pollock and George Street.

Is there a race map that shows the routes?
You bet. Click here.

Is there a time limit to complete the race?
Yes, runners will have four hours to complete the race.

Is there a separate walk?
Trail to Tryon is a proud partner of the annual March For the 22, presented by Toyota of New Bern. The 22-mile walk raises funds for programs that combat veteran suicide.

What is Runners’ Celebration?

The Runners’ Celebration will held on Bate Commons at the North Carolina History Center from 8:30 a.m. to noon. There will be music, games, a photo booth, food truck, beer and other beverages and the awards ceremony. Runners and their guests are encouraged to attend.

Where can we park?

There are two different parking areas available for use and identified on the map that will be included in the race packet; at the corner of Eden and S. Front Street and the Tabernacle Baptist Church parking lot at the corner of Broad and George Street. Should those two lots be full there may be room available at the First Baptist Church parking lot on the corner of Pollock and Hancock Street.

Will there be water along the route?
There is one water station on the 5K course, two water stations on the 10K course and a total of six on the half marathon course, roughly every two miles. At roughly the half-way mark on the half marathon, at the water station on Chelsea Road there will be Gu Gel.  At the finish line there will be water, Gatorade and pickle juice.

Are there restrooms along the route?

At the starting line there are restrooms in the Waystation facing George Street. At roughly the half-way mark on the half marathon, at the water station on Chelsea Road there will be porta-johns, water and Gu Gel. At the finish line there will be porta-johns. At the Runners’ Celebration there is a bathroom inside the History Center and inside Lawson’s on the Creek.

Where can we go for information the day of the race?
There will be an information table at the starting point in front of Tryon Palace and an information tent set up at the Runners’ Celebration if you have questions, need directions or other information. There will also be a first aid kit if you need a band aide or ointment.  Volunteers and staff will be in navy blue shirts.

Are emergency services available the day of the race?

New Bern Police, Trent Woods Police and EMS personnel will be assisting all day long along the race course. There will also be mini first aid kits at each water station should you need a band aid or some ointment.

Will there be an After Party following the Runners’ Celebration?

Yes! Following the Runners’ Celebration all runners and their guests are invited to continue celebrating at Poppy’s Bites & Barrels, 313 Pollock Street, Downtown New Bern. You can use the special coupon included in the runners’ email as well as the one in the award glass if you placed in your age category. Note, Poppy's will open at 10:30 a.m. on race day. 

What else is happening that weekend?
There is always something happening in New Bern. Click here to visit our events calendar. 

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