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Turkey Chase

In-Person Race Nov. 29 OR Virtual Race Nov. 22 - Nov. 29, 2025 Cary, NC 27511 US Directions


* Final race day information and updates will be emailed to all registered participants and volunteers the week prior to the in-person race. Additional updates may be sent up to the morning of the in-person race. Any emailed information supersedes information on this site. 


  • 7:30 - 8:15 AM - Race Day Registration (Rally Point Sports Grill)
  • 7:30 - 8:15 AM - 13.1 Packet Pick-up & Check-in (RallyPoint Sports Grill)
  • 8:00 - 8:45 AM - 10K Packet Pick-up & Check-in (RallyPoint Sports Grill)
  • 8:30 - 9:15 AM - 5K Packet Pick-up & Check-in (RallyPoint Sports Grill)
  • 8:30 - 8:45 AM - 13.1 Staggered Start
  • 8:45 - 9:00 AM - 10K Staggered Start (or immediately after last 13.1 start)
  • 9:00 - 9:30 AM - 5K Staggered Start (or immediately after last 10K Start)
  • 9:30 AM - Start Closes
  • 10:00 AM - 13.1 Turnaround Closes
  • 10:30 AM - 10K Turnaround Closes
  • 11:00 AM - 5K Turnaround Closes
  • 11:30 AM - Course Closes

* Start times subject to change due to weather or safety


Race Location: William B. Umstead State Park - Reedy Creek Shelter #2 (park entrance off N. Harrison Ave. at Exit 287 off HWY 40). (Venue subject to change as permitted by local officials.)
* Registration & Check-in is located at RallyPoint Sports Grill at Harrison Square (837 Bass Pro Ln, Cary, NC 27513). All participants will be transported by YMCA bus to the start in Umstead Park.


Parking: Harrison Square is off I-40 across from the main entrance of the SAS Institute. From I-40, take the Harrison Avenue Exit 287 and travel south for 1K and turn right into the Parking lot. RallyPoint Sports Grill is on the right side of the shopping center. PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE UMSTEAD PARKING LOT!


Course Information: The course is on the multi-use trail with roots, rocks, and uneven surfaces; conditions depend on the weather prior to the event. Please take all precautions with your safety and wear appropriate gear for the weather and terrain. The course is NOT USATF certified. GPS tracking apps are not suitable for measuring course distances accurately.

Turkey Chase Course Maps
5K        10K       13.1

Events: Everyone is welcome to participate!  All participants will have chip-timed results that will be posted online.  All Fit & Able Productions, Inc. events are inclusion events: anyone of any age, skill-level, or ability can participate in any race! 
* No dogs or bikes permitted in the race. 
* We strongly discourage participants wearing headphones of any sort while racing for their own safety and so they can properly hear instructions on the course.
* All children pushed in strollers (ages 4 & under ONLY!) or carried by a parent on race day must be registered (under their own name and age, and not a parent's) and numbered to be allowed on the course. Kids in strollers must be with a parent registered in either the 5K, 10K, or 13.1. Kids in strollers must be numbered, properly buckled into the stroller, and we strongly encourage them to wear a helmet. 
* If you or one of your party have a physical or developmental need that may require special accommodation please contact us at least one month prior to the event to discuss reasonable accommodations that may be available. 


Course Aid: An athletic trainer will be available at a medical tent located near the finish line. There will be a water station on the course at the 5K, 10K, and 13.1 turnaround points and near the finish line.  Water is also available at the registration and refreshment area.


Early Packet Pick Up: There is no early packet pickup scheduled before race day. 


Race Day Packet Pick-up: All in-person race participants can pick up their packets, including any items purchased separately, on race day. All participants must show a photo ID or be with a guardian with a photo ID in order to pick up their race packets. Participants may pickup packets for others if they have a screenshot or photocopy of their photo ID. 
* Any items, including purchases, not picked up by the participant or another person after the race will not be shipped or refunded.


Volunteers: We need your help! If you're available to assist us with registration, handing out water, and cheering on runners please sign up to volunteer between 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM. Sign up through the link in the menu!


Race Souvenirs: All 5K, 10K, & 13.1 participants will get a special Turkey Chase knit hat and finishers medal if registered by November 16th (then while supplies last; fuzzy socks and/or Santa hats will be provided once knit hats / fleece ear warmers are gone). Turkey Chase CG shirts are available for purchase while supplies last.
* In-person race packets will not be shipped and will only be available on race day!


Photos: We try to get photos of each participant but make no guarantees we will get everyone. Photos will be sent to all participants after the race with the final results. If you have photos from the race we will be happy to post those so others can enjoy them too: please send them to 
* The RunSignUp photo platform will automatically tag your photos to your personal results page by your bib number. Make sure your bib number is always visible on the front of your shirt so you can easily find your own photos.


Results: All participants who properly wear their timing chip and bib number will be chip timed. Preliminary results will be posted live to the race website within a few minutes after you finish (preliminary results are subject to change until finalized). Final results will be emailed to all participants after the race along with the race photos.
* Results are finalized for awards purposes at 12 PM Monday after the in-person event. 


Awards: Overall awards are provided by Fleet Feet - Raleigh / Morrisville; Age Group and other awards are provided by Fit & Able Productions. There is no award ceremony on race day. All awards will be available for pickup at the Fleet Feet - Morrisville store or emailed to their recipients the week after the race.
* Age groups are calculated as of participant's age on December 31st of the race year. 
* Top 3 Overall finishers are pulled out of their age groups; there is no double dipping on awards. 

* Picking Up the Pace awards are compared by minutes/mile to either of the previous two scheduled in-person events.

  • 5K, 10K, & 13.1 Awards:
    • Top 3 Male/Female Overall (Fleet Feet gift cards)
    • Top 3 Male/Female Age Group (Fit & Able gift codes)
      • 0 - 4, 5 - 9, 10 - 14, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, 30 - 34, 35 - 39, 40 - 44, 45 - 49, 50 - 54, 55 - 59, 60 - 64, 65 - 69, 70 - 74, 75 - 79, 80 - 84, 85 - 89, 90 - 94, 95 - 99
    • New Male/Female Course Record (Fit & Able gift codes)
    • Picking Up the Pace (Fit & Able gift codes)
  • Ultra Series 65.5 Awards:
    • Top 3 Male/Female Overall (Fit & Able gift codes)
    • Top 3 Male/Female Age Group (Fit & Able gift codes)
      • 0 - 4, 5 - 9, 10 - 14, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, 30 - 34, 35 - 39, 40 - 44, 45 - 49, 50 - 54, 55 - 59, 60 - 64, 65 - 69, 70 - 74, 75 - 79, 80 - 84, 85 - 89, 90 - 94, 95 - 99
    • New Male/Female Course Record (Fit & Able gift codes)

* Ultra Series 65.5 awards eligibility requires completing each of the Cary Greenways Half-marathon in-person/virtual 13.1, Sizzling Soles Half-marathon in-person/virtual 13.1, Summer's Done 13.1 in-person/virtual 13.1, the Cary Greenways Tour in-person/virtual 13.1, and the Turkey Chase in-person/virtual 13.1. Finish times from all five 13.1 races will be combined to calculate a 65.5 finish time. In-person and virtual race participants will be consolidated into a combined results and awards set. Ultra Series 65.5 awards will be distributed following the Turkey Chase.


Online Pre-registration: Online registration closes on November 27th at 6 PM.

Race Day Registration: Cash, checks, and credit cards are accepted at packet pick-up and race day.

Series Gold Sponsor
Series Bronze Sponsor

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