Garden City, UT US 84028
Join us for our annual Thanksgiving 5k and 1 Mile race, sponsored by Bear Lake Community Health Center! This year we will be competing virtually, meaning you can run your favorite 3.1-mile route from within your neighborhood, inside the house on a treadmill, or whatever stuffs your turkey! In lieu of a registration fee, participants are encouraged to donate to their local food bank (Bear Lake Community Health Center will have a donation drop box set up outside their clinic on 325 W Logan Hwy for Garden City residents).
Race instructions:
- Run a 5k or mile (whichever race you registered for)
-Time yourself or have someone else time you
-Submit your results under the "Results" tab in the upper left hand corner by 11:59 pm on November 28, 2020!
Prizes will be given to race participants! Winners will be chosen by random drawing and/or category placement (categories TBD). Prize winners will be contacted by email.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.