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Sun December 6 - Sat December 12 Kaysville, UT 84037 US


251 S Mountain Rd
Kaysville, UT US 84037


Tis' the season of giving and there aren't many gifts better then some cold, hard cash. We want to give away $1K dollars to 10 deserving families this holiday season, but we need the help of our amazing MTN OPS family. If we can collectively burn a total of 1 million calories in just 7 days, then we will donate a total of $10K dollars.

The families will be chosen from a pool of submissions. We ask those that are participating to nominate either their family or a family they know who could use a little help this time of year. All we ask is for a quick written and/or video clip introduction to the family. We will then send a MTN OPS care package custom tailored to each family and a check for $1K dollars! 

NOTE* Please use the submission form found on the challenge page of our website to submit your family introductions. If submitting a video, please use the wetransfer link ( on the same page.

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