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Tough Like Payton

Sat June 24, 2023 Riverdale, UT 84405 US Directions


Tough Like Payton

8:00AM MDT


4300 S. Parker Dr.
Riverdale, UT US 84405


The Women's Council of Realtors is proud to support our friend Payton Himle in her fight against brain cancer. 11 year old Payton was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma (brain cancer) in July 2022. What was supposed to have been a simple MRI took a turn for the worst when doctors discovered a brain tumor the size of two golf balls. She was taken in for surgery 4 days later and lost 100% hearing on her left side that cannot be fixed. Her small facial weakness on her left was very dramatic now, making it hard for her to drink, and speak. Payton could not walk straight or swallow food, and had very little voice. 

Payton’s cancer treatment would include everyday trips to huntsman cancer institute for radiation to her brain and down her spine. She went to Huntsman’s every
day for 6 weeks and then to Primary Children's on Fridays for 6 weeks to receive a small chemo dose. After 6 weeks of radiation and chemo Payton got a break. She then had to start 9 rounds of hard chemo that last over a year. She has to do all of those in the hospital and stay for multiple days while they do them. She currently is going through round 5 as we speak. 

Throughout this journey, Payton has been so tough and tries to remain positive! Payton said “If I am angry and negative I still have cancer and if I am happy and positive, I still have cancer…. But being happy and positive sure makes this so much easier then being mad at things I can’t change”

Payton really just wants to be a normal 11 year old but she sure takes this on with all she has.

Please help us to support Payton and her family in this fight against cancer.

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