Amount: $50,000.00
- The Title Sponsor will be included in all of our print, social media, video presentations and on air media at the top of the page as title sponsor
- The Title Sponsor will be recognized on the V2R Race and Register 5k branded merchandise (shirts, bibs and promotional items)
- The Title Sponsor will have the opportunity to address the 18.5K invited Vision 2 Rise members, live, during both Kick-off and Close-Out Celebrations
- As title sponsor you will have the opportunity to create information, about your organization reviewing why you chose to become the title sponsor
- The Title Sponsor will also be given an article and space on the Time 2 Rise website, that will remain on the website for one year
Amount: $25,000.00
- Corporate Sponsors will be included in all of our V2R Race and Register Family 5k print and social media advertisements
- Corporate Sponsors will have the opportunity to record an address, that will be run on our Vision 2 Rise, Inc. website from October 3, 2020 through October 31, 2020
- Corporate Sponsors will also be given an article and space on the Time 2 Rise website, that will remain on the website for 90 days
Amount: $15,000.00
- The Completion Celebration Event Sponsor will sponsor the International Completion Celebration (August 17th). This celebration will include special celebrity guests, awards for most voters registered, dessert box giveaways, trivia and dance contest and a video of the celebration will be produced and available to all participants
- The Completion Celebration Event Sponsor will be recognized as a guest speaker to the 18.5K invited members of Vision 2 Rise, Inc. during the live Completion Celebration
- The sponsor will also be recognized in all print and media communications as well as on the "Finish Line" video that will run throughout the Celebration
- A representative from the Event Sponsor's organization will be recognized on our V2R website for 60 days following the event.
Amount: $10,000.00
- The Kick-Off Event Sponsor will sponsor the virtual International Celebration to kick off our first V2R Race and Register 5k! The celebration will include participant highlight videos, addresses from dignitaries, awards to participants who have already registered voters and official countdown/whistle blow to formally start the race!
- The Kick-off Event Sponsor will be recognized in the Welcome/Kickoff video that will be shown to our 19,000 Vision 2 Rise members during the Kick-off celebration
- The Kick-off Event Sponsor will also be recognized in all V2R Race print and media advertisements and branded material
Amount: $5000 - $1000
- Bronze Sponsors will be recognized in all print and media advertisements
- Bronze Sponsors will also be recognized on our Vision 2 Rise website
Amount: $999 - $100
- Our valued Supporters will be recognized on our Vision 2 Rise website
Amount: $45 (per participant)
- Participant Sponsors will have the opportunity to donate one, or as many registration fees as they'd like to sponsor someone who would like to participate in the event, but may not have the financial ability to do so
- Participant Sponsors can request that their gift be given to a specific person or category (i.e.: teen, child, woman, physically challenged participant, etc.)
- Your gift could help someone join the Race and Register event TODAY!
- Choose the sponsorship level you would like to secure.
- Contact a V2R Voter Registration Sponsor Rep at v2rvoterreg@gmail.com with any questions or for additional information.
- If you have no questions, please submit your sponsorship donation on the Donation Page. Please contact the V2R Voter Registration Sponsor Rep to organize an alternate form of payment.
- A V2R Voter Registration Sponsor Rep will then be assigned to begin working on your Sponsorship Package with you.
Thank you, in advance, for your support. Your generosity will allow Vision 2 Rise, Inc. to continue our fight to DRIVE CHANGE THROUGH ACTION!