MFI 2020 Virtual Run / Walk / Roll Website
Additional MFI 2020 Virtual Run / Walk / Roll information can be found at
An on-going Virtual Run / Walk / Roll Supporting 'Taking Care of Our Own' Programs Helping Medical Transport Personnel Improve Mental Health and Wellness.
Preventing PTSD & Suicide - which is a crisis in the EMS community
MedEvac Foundation International supports all First Responders working in Emergency Medical Services - anyone who stabilizes patients on the scene and provides life-saving medical care during transport to a trauma center. Whether by airplane, helicopter, vehicle or vessel - ambulance crews keep the window of time open during that "golden hour" when critical medical care determines life or death. Whether you've been rescued from the scene of an accident or are the worried parents of a tiny infant requiring advanced care at a better-equipped hospital or have been desperately hoping for a second chance at life from a donor-match for a long-awaited viable organ transplant is being rushed to your operating room - you will hear these words - "We got you." or You're gonna be ok." or "Help is on the way."
For all of the happy endings, the transplanted organs, first, second and third birthdays that we celebrate, unfortunately there are many more that - despite every effort - cannot be saved or for whom the injuries sustained were just too great to be stabilized and spirited to safety. These are the tragic scenes our first-responders bring home and cannot un-see, erase from memory or shake from their psyche. Also, the sheer onslaught of trauma, pain, agony and human suffering repeatedly witnessed and personally tended to carry the heaviest burdens for our community. Often, those burdens are so great that our helpers are the ones in need of help!
MedEvac Foundation International is teaching thousands of medical transport personnel - both employees and volunteers - how to ask for the help they need to work through the stress and trauma that is their daily life and work - now more than ever - and to recognize warning signs in their peers so that no one is alone and everyone can get the help they need to do what they love.
We invite you to "Run to Help the Helpers" and be their help that's on its way. Your support today enables MedEvac Foundation International to provide a range of services including: mental health support, in-person and virtual wellness training, mindfulness instruction, safety and clinical practice guideline research applications, recovery support and line of duty death grants to surviving spouses and college scholarships to their children, undergraduate and graduate-level scholarship grants to continuing education institutes so EMS Critical Care Medical Transport first-responders have the tools they need to better deal with the ghosts of the people that they could not save despite their heroic efforts.
Please run / walk / roll with us in solidarity and if you can be physically present, please consider generous financial support. 100% of your help that's on the way goes to Taking Care of Our Own EMS life-saving programs to prevent suicide.
MFI 2020 Virtual Run / Walk / Roll Contact Info
If you have any questions about this MFI 2020 Virtual Run / Walk / Roll, click the button below.
Sponsorship Prospectus
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring MedEvac Foundation International's Annual Run to Help the Helpers - Virtual Run - Walk - Swim - Roll - Golf! While we've put together some standard sponsor benefits, please let us know your interested and together we can determine what your visibility needs are in relation to your program and our venues so that your sponsorship package can be customized based on your budget, market, audience and public affairs needs. We look forward to working with you!