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ACHNE I Run 4 Future Generations

Wed June 1 - Thu June 30 Alexandria, VA 22314 US Directions


Hilton Old Town Alexandria , VA
1767 King Street
Alexandria, VA US 22314


Lace up your running shoes and join us - virtually- for the second annual ACHNE 5k.  Proceeds from the 5K registration will support the ACHNE Student Scholarship program.  Join ACHNE members across the country and around the world as we run for future generations of Community Health Nurses!

Optional:  Wake up and Walk with the President and President-Elect
Attending the 2022 Annual Insitute in person?  Join ACHNE President Lori Edwards and ACHNE President-Elect Krita Jones on a brisk walk (or run) through historic Alexandria Old Town and get your steps in before everyone else! Complete your 5k with the group and get bragging rights for the rest of the AI!

Race Contact Info

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