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Andy's Backyard Ultra

Sat October 25, 2025 Directions


Andy's Backyard Ultra

$100 7:00AM EDT
57 spots left. Registration ends October 23, 2025 at 8:00pm EDT


How far can you run?

Not how fast, but how far.

Enter Andy’s Backyard Ultra and find out.


"You ain't gotta be fast, just the last."


**NOTE: We will not be able to guarantee shirt order size for all signups after 8/27 (including waitlist)**

2025 Race Schedule

2pm - Site open for arrival and course open for walking
4pm - Tent sites available
5pm - Friday Packet Pickup starts
6:30pm - BRIEF pre-race BRIEFing
9pm - Friday Packet Pickup ends

5am - Saturday Packet Pickup starts
6am - Saturday Packet Pickup ends
6:45am - All runners must have checked in
7am - Race Starts

Sunday-Monday (etc):
Race continues until there is one runner left


The race is located 14 miles northwest of Charlottesville Virginia, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
5422 Markwood Road
Earlysville, VA

Race Information

Andy's Backyard Ultra is a "last person standing" event. Runners must complete the 4.17 mile lap each hour to remain in the race. The sole finisher is the runner who completes one more lap than all the other entrants.

The course is in the Teventrails: a mixture of wooded single track, grassy fields, and farm roads in Earlysville VA. 

The race starts at 7 am Eastern.


Andy is the Teventrail Saint Bernard. This is his backyard.

Andy cartoon

Course Map

Each lap is 4.17 miles long and has a total elevation gain and loss of approximately 358 feet. The course will be UNCHANGED for 2025 and is the same as the previous years. 

Preview Run

There will be a free course preview run for Andy’s Backyard Ultra on a date in the summer from 7 am to 3pm. Details will be provided closer to the date. Everyone is invited to walk or run the course as many times as they wish during that timeframe. The course will be marked and the race directors will be present. You can practice BYU rules and set up an aid station if you would like. We will have water available. There will not be a porta potty on site. 

Andy's Backyard Ultra Rules and Information

Race Format

There is No finish. There is only one finisher. The last one standing.

The backyard ultra is a form of ultramarathon race where competitors must consecutively run the lap distance of 4.167 miles in less than one hour. When each lap is completed, the remaining time within the hour is used to recover for the next hour's race. Runners cannot start the next lap before the next hour starts.  Exactly one hour after a backyard ultra's first starting time, the competitors run an additional lap with a one-hour window for completion. These distance laps are repeated hourly. If a runner fails to complete a lap in 1 hour, their race is over and they must leave the course.
The race ends with a win when the last runner completes one more lap than all the other runners. All other runners DNF.
If no competitor manages one more lap than the others, then all athletes receive a DNF and there is no winner. 
The lap distance was set to make the total distance run for 24 laps (one day) to be 100 miles.

Runners must check in 15 minutes before the start of the event (6:45am). 

Runners must check in after they finish each lap. 
Runners must be standing in the starting corral when the next lap starts or else they may not continue.
Runners may choose not to continue. Runners must check out of the race before they leave.
No late starts once the starting cow bell is rung.
Races will continue until only one runner remains, and at that point, once that person completes a loop on their own, that runner is the winner.

At 3 minutes till each race 3 whistles will be blown.
At 2 minutes till each race 2 whistles will be blown.
At 1 minute till each race 1 whistle will be blown.
A cow bell is rung once the race starts.

Once the cow bell is rung, runners may not visit their crew, their tent, their vehicle or receive aid from anyone.
Runners must stay on the course once the bell is rung.
The only reason for leaving the course once the bell is rung is to use the porta-potty.
Once you finish your loop and check in, you may choose to do what you want, but must check in and be back in the starting corral before the bell rings.
No pacing from non entrants is allowed.
Crew and spectators must stay off the course, but may be in the designated crew areas near the start/finish.

Andy's uses the rules from the group. No artificial aids such as trekking poles are allowed. 

Team Award

Andy's has a team award. A team's score will be the sum of the laps of the runners. A team can have 2, 3, or 4 runners. The team with the highest score wins. All other BYU rules apply. Team signup will be at packet pickup. Note, this is not a relay event.  Team runners will all run together at the same time with the rest of the field. Team entrants also qualify for all the other individual award categories as appropriate.


Each entrant will receive a race T-shirt with the number of yards (hours) completed displayed on the back. The 2025 shirt color will be revealed at the race.

Each runner that completes 12 laps will receive a 50 mile buff.

Each runner that completes 24 laps will receive a 100 mile buckle.

100 mile belt buckle 

Each runner that completes 36 laps will receive a 150 mile buff.

Each runner that completes 48 laps will receive a 200 mile buckle.

200 mile buckle

The winner will receive the Sole Survivor t-shirt and trophy

Sole Survivor Trophy


Parking is accessible from Markwood Rd across from Claymont Rd, at the entrance to the Teventrails field. Crew and spectators may leave and come back if needed. For safety, no vehicles are allowed down by the tent area. RVs should park up at the parling lot closer to the road, where the parking lot is flattest. Crew and spectators must check in at the registration table and sign the Teventrail waiver when they first arrive.

Packet pick-up, Pre-Race Briefing

Race packet pickup will be at the race start area starting at the Friday before raceday at 5pm. Runners must pick up their race bib before 6am Saturday race day,.
A pre-race briefing will be held at the race start area on Friday before raceday at 6pm. Runner 10' x 10' tent sites will be assigned based on the bib number. Bib numbers will be seeded for runners who havce run a previpous backyard ultra and assigned randomly.for the other runners.

Aid Station

The race will have one aid station area that runners may use to refuel between laps.
No aid stations are allowed on the course.
The race will provide water. Runners and crew must bring whatever aid (food, drinks, clothing, headlamps, batteries, chair, etc.) they may need for the duration of the event.
Grocery stores, restaurants, and a Target are within 15 minute drive of the race.
Each runner will be provided a space in the aid station area to set up a chair, cooler, a 10' x10' pop-up tent, and items they may need for the race.
Runners will need to bring headlamps for the night laps. Blankets, chairs, sleeping bags are recommended. Crews and spectators are permitted. 
DNF runners are welcome to continue spectating Andy's Backyard Ultra.
A fire ring will be provided. This is a trap. Try to avoid it.


Runners and crew may set up a tent at their tent site and/or in the large camping area on Friday before raceday starting at 5pm through the end of the race. No campfires are allowed on the Teventrails except for the fire ring provided by the event.


Porta Potties will be provided past the start line. Crew may use the porta potties but are asked to avoid using them in the last 15 minutes of each hour as the runners finish the lap.


Any race profit will be given to the Earlysville Volunteer Fire Company.

Important Notices

The Teventrails race location is privately owned and is not open to the public for training or recon runs.

The course will be open to entrants and their crew and friends for a course preview day (Date TBD in August/September from 7am to 3pm) to practice the backyard format and timing. A strava route of the course is here:

Dogs are allowed at the parking and start area as long as they are controlled by their owners. Dogs are not allowed on the course.

Facebook Page

Andy's Backyard Ultra has a Facebook page with (hopefully) useful information about the race. Feel free to post questions, thoughts, photos, etc.

Message from the Race Directors

We are excited to put on the 5th annual Andy's Backyard Ultra. It is sure to be a mix of fun and suffering. Looking forward to seeing you this October.
- Rick Kwiatkowski, Mary Kwiatkowski, Patrick Paczkowski

 Andy's DNF Gong. DNF'd runners get to sound the gong and let the world know they are done.

trail photo

Previous Winners:
  • 2021 Jamey Travelstead 29 yards
  • 2022 Dave Kwiatkowski 32 yards
  • 2023 Eric Hewell 25 yards
  • 2024 Travis Walker 18 yards

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




Charlottesville Area Trail Runners  
Blue Ridge Cyclery

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at




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