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Wed April 22 - Sun May 10 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 US


1 Mile by Foot + 1 Mile by Bike

4:00AM EDT - 11:59PM EDT

5K by Foot + 5K by Bike

4:00AM EDT - 11:59PM EDT


This is a virtual race that's a fundraiser to help Operation YMCA C.R.E.W.!  The Rappahannock Area YMCA is able to provide special childcare
services for children of hospital staff, doctors, nurses, and all essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.  As a trusted child care provider for decades, the YMCA is honored to provide this service to help hospital teams and other essential workers provide critical community care without worrying about childcare.  We need your help!  Please join us in this fundraising virtual race so we can continue to provide these services for those in need.

This virtual race is part two in a series of virtual races.  The challenge now is a duathlon. You will choose a distance and and complete it first by walking/running that distance. Then you'll repeat the same distance but on a bicycle. Dont have a bike? That's ok, you can double the distance of your walk/run portion and that will work for us! The duathlon must be completed in one day. Now go have fun!   

Participant Giveaways!

Thanks to the generosity of Papa John's, each participant will receive a coupon for a FREE small pizza!  Bonus - you'll also receive a one day pass to the Y's water park!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Once you have registered, we ask that you run and bike your distance in one day, it can be on or before May 10th. What better way to celebrate Mother's Day than to get outside and move for a good cause.

We want to challenge participants in two ways:  1. By adding this bike portion to your race. 2. If no bike, doubling the distance by foot.

If you do not have a bike? That's ok, just do the doubled distance by foot. So if you sign up for the mile and do not have a bike then you can walk/ run two miles and if you sign up for the 5K you would need to do a 10K by foot.  With that said, once you have completed your distance take a photo of your time and a selfie then email it to  In addition, Photos can also be uploaded to Facebook to share with the hashtag #RunforYCREW.

Then on Monday, May 11, 2020 drive by the Ron Rosner Family YMCA from 12pm-2pm and show your results by car and pick up your water park pass and Papa Johns pizza certificate!


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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