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19th Annual Hospice Hustle

Sat September 19, 2015 Lexington, VA 24450 US Directions


5k Run/Walk

6:00PM EDT - 10:00PM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


141 Country Club Lane
Lexington, VA US 24450


19th Annual Hospice Hustle: 5k Night time “Glow Run and Walk” hosted at the Lexington Golf and Country Club. Hustle participants will run or walk through the golf course cart paths lit by glow sticks and of course, all of the glow décor that the runners and walkers can manage to wear!

This year’s event will run from 6:00pm – 10:00pm and will feature music for everyone in the family to enjoy, cornhole, facepainting – just to name a few! There is no charge for kid activities, glow items will be available for purchase. Registration includes the race, t-shirt (if registered by August 6th) and a BBQ meal.

So many have been touched in some way by the services that Rockbridge Area Hospice provides to patients and families during a life-limiting illness. Your generosity as a runner or walker of the Hospice Hustle ensures that Rockbridge Area Hospice will continue providing the extraordinary level of vital care and services to our community. We are all Neighbors Helping Neighbors.

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