Lexington, VA US 24450
Hop to it! Celebrate spring with Kappa Alpha Theta's 5k race through Washington and Lee's beautiful campus supporting Blue Ridge CASA and Theta Foundation. The race will begin at 10:00 am on Sunday, March 30 in front of University Chapel. The route consists of two laps around campus and on the Woods Creek Trail. Stay after the race for a raffle from local businesses!
Blue Ridge Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is an organization providing support for abused and neglected children. CASA trains and supports volunteers who advocate on behalf of these children in court proceedings to ensure they are placed in safe and permanent homes. CASA volunteers are the voice for abused and neglected children and become a stable and reliable presence for them. Proceeds will also go to Theta Foundation. Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose vision is to give every Theta every opportunity to make a difference. It's Theta for Good Program helps to improve Theta chapters' philanthropic impacts and widen their influence for good across the country.