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Sat May 17, 2025 Manassas, VA 20109 US Directions
No one should have to walk this journey alone.
Countdown to Autism Walk And Family Funfest Day



The Autism Society of Northern Virginia's 18th Autism Walk and Family Funfest will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2025, in Manassas, Virginia!

Our Walk and Family Funfest is more than just a typical run or walk event. It's a fun time for everyone to learn, connect, and celebrate! Join other families for the resource fair, music, moon bounce, sensory-friendly carnival, and so much more! 

Since the ASNV Annual Autism Walk and Family Funfest began 21 years ago, we have raised over half a million dollars that has been returned to the community through education, advocacy, and support for local families.  Hundreds of families throughout Northern Virginia have benefited from the generosity of our many donors and supporters.  We celebrate them as we look forward to taking our event to even greater heights! We are coming back to the same high school for this event. Thank you to Unity Reed High School in Prince William County Schools for hosting us!

Join us for the fun!
Join us for the community!
Join us to help the 1 in 36 now affected by Autism!

Contact if you have any questions.


8820 Rixlew Lane
Manassas, VA US 20109

Event Schedule & Details

8:00 am  -  Volunteers Arrival & Event Set-up
9:00 am  -  Exhibitors & Vendors Arrival & Set-up
10:00 am - Family Funfest Opens 
11:45 am - Main Stage Presentation
                  (Please be seated in the bleachers with your team.)
12:00 am - Autism Walk (on the track)
1:15 pm  -  Raffle Awards Presentation (must be present to win)
2:00 pm  -  Family Funfest Closes & Event Clean-up


The entire event will run from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. During this time, we will have music, games, vendors, raffles, and more fun. The Autism Walk will begin at 12:00 pm (noon) and is a one-mile-long walk around a high school track. The walk will be clearly marked and on a smooth surface, friendly to strollers, wagons, and wheelchairs. Please consider forming a Walk Team to extend the reach of our efforts! Forming a team of family, friends, and co-workers is a great way to honor someone you know with autism. Proceeds benefit the Autism Society of Northern Virginia to support individuals and families affected by autism. Click on the PDF link below for the event flyer.


* Items will be for sale including special shirts, sensory toys, and raffle tickets. There will be ability to use cards, but cash is appreciated since it is a faster transaction. 

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.




Autism Walk and Family Funfest Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Autism Walk and Family Funfest, click the button below.

ASNV has brought decades of support!

Autism Walk and Family Funfest Website

Additional Autism Walk and Family Funfest information can be found at



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