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Tidewater AAZK Run/Walk for Rhinos

Sat August 22 - Sat August 29 Norfolk, VA 23504 US


Due to the Covid 19 pandemic Tidewater AAZK has changed our annual Bowling for Rhinos event to a virtual run/walk for rhinos. We are raising money for rhino conservation and education.  

This is a virtual "Go the Distance" event in support of the American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK) Bowling for Rhinos (BFR) campaign.
to learn more about Bowling for Rhinos, please see "Why Rhinos?" below

 What exactly is a virtual "Go the Distance" event? 
 A virtual event means that you can participate from anywhere and in your time table as long as it's within the event dates.

  • at home
  • around your neighborhood (while practicing safe social distancing)
  • open space (while practicing safe social distancing)
  • at work (great option for those with physical jobs, a.k.a animal care staff...HINT HINT

But how?
-We don't care if you walk / jog / run / skip / saunter / bounce / meander / slither / slide / dance or stampede.  We just want you to get up, move and "Go the Distance" to save rhinos!
-You may use equipment such as a treadmill, elliptical, stair climber, etc. You just have to be your feet (no bicycling, rowing, swimming, etc.)
-After the race time, just log-in to your participant page and record your distance traveled.  It's that easy!

Founded in 2014 by zookeepers and aquarists from the Virginia Zoo and Virginia Aquarium our chapter seeks increase collaboration between the two facilities, provide life long learning opportunities, volunteer and raise funds for local and international conservation efforts.

The American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK) is a nationwide, non-profit, professional organization of animal care professionals.  In a continuing effort to help protect endangered rhinos as well as the ecosystems they live in, chapters of the AAZK nationwide sponsor an annual Bowling for Rhinos fundraising event.

For more information on where our money is donated and to learn more about animal conservation follow the link:

Race Contact Info

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Why Rhinos?

Rhinos have lived on earth for over 50 million years but whether they survive even 50 more years is open to speculation. Only 5 species of rhino exist today when once there were over 100 species. All 5 species- the white, black, greater one-horned, Sumatran and Javan are endangered. Only the white rhino with a population of 4,600 seems to be somewhat safe from extinction. In 1960, 60,000 black rhinos roamed Africa. Today only 2,500 remain in isolated populations. On the Asian continent, the greater one-horned population remains at 2,000. The Sumatran species numbers around 200 and the Javan species has fewer than 60 animals.

The black rhino is a symbol of conservation in Africa as our bald eagle is to those of us in the United States. If the black rhino were to go extinct what message would we give our children? The rhino is a large, flagship species. By striving to save the rhino, we save large expanses of habitat. By saving these habitats, we are saving many endangered species, not just the rhino.

The rhino is our link to the dinosaurs as it has lived on earth over 50 million years but it can not survive guns and man. The rhino is killed for its horn to be used in oriental medicines and as symbolic dagger handles. So valuable is the horn to poachers that the rhino can not survive unless it is on protected sanctuaries such as LWC and the Indonesian parks. “BFR” money is used to fence in these areas, purchase planes and land rover vehicles to curtail poaching, trans-locate rhino into the sanctuaries/parks, purchase trip cameras for censusing, and salaries for anti-poaching security guards to name a few." (


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