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TCRR's "Run Through the Quarantine" - Week 1 (March 30 - April 5)

Mon March 30 - Sun April 5 Petersburg, VA 23805 US Directions


Petersburg, VA US 23805


Okay y''s time to get motivated to move! (For those of us that aren't already doing it in order to keep sane and keep us from committing homicides against our partners who have suddenly started working from home as well :) ).

We have 3 challenges for the week....a 5k, a 10k, and a half-marathon.  You can choose to run any, or all 3!  They're virtual, of course, so you can run them at any time and then upload your results to the website.  It'd be great if you could upload all results by the last day of the challenge, to make it a bit easier for me to keep track of everything.

This is just week 1 of 4....we will have the same challenge every week.  There are going to be 3 levels of awards: bronze level for people who do at least 1 of the events every week, silver level for people who do at least 2, and then gold level for people who do all 3 every week!  I don't know what those awards are yet, but I promise you that they will happen.  And as an added bonus, you know that I'll be stalking the results after week 1 to see who keeps it up for the following weeks....yes, that is a bonus....

So let's all get moving and stay healthy!

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