ATS' Summer of Purpose
REMINDER: If you are joining the Summer of Purpose late, please feel free to log your activities back to June 20th!
The ATS Summer of Purpose is a wellness and fundraising event kicking off June 20th and continuing all summer long! There will be lots of wellness events scheduled at local businesses in our area along with plenty of opportunities to win prizes for hitting wellness and fundraising goals! We are excited to be supporting the Ulman Foundation for a second year in a row.
If you would like to be included in the prizes, it is required to raise or donate a minimum of $100 for the Ulman Foundation is required! If you choose not to, you will still get bragging rights!
For ATS Employees: All donations up to $500 are eligible for the ATS matching program. Please see the employee portal for more information!
Register Now! Donate Now!#WhatsYOURPurpose?
The Summer of Purpose will also give an opportunity to provide you with a framework to ask yourself, #whatsyourpurpose? What are you doing in your life to improve your health and wellness? While we push our minds and bodies in our challenges, we can share the "What" and the "Why" we do what we do. We encourage anyone who wants to share to tag your posts with our #summerofpurpose #whatsyourpurpose as you run, walk, bike, swim, yoga, paddle, and FUNDRAISE your way through the summer.