The Hill Topper 5k
The Hill Topper 5k takes runners through the beautiful neighborhood and parks of Church Hill and ends right in the middle of the Church Hill Irish Festival. Proceeds benefit local community organizations and projects supported by The Rotary Club of Church Hill.
The Hill Topper 5k
💚 Packet Pick-up Dates/Times:
Thursday, March 13th: 3:30pm - 6:00pm
Location: Lucky Road Run Shop - 1601 Willow Lawn Drive, Richmond VA 23230
Friday, March 14th: 5:00pm -7:00pm
Location: Rotary Club of Church Hill tent - In the east corner of the Patrick Henry Park - 308 N 24th St., Richmond VA, 23223
Saturday, March 15th: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Location: Church Hill Irish Festival - Rotary Club of Church Hill tent - in the east corner of the Patrick Henry Park
The Course
Start/Finish Line (25th & E Broad Street)
1. Head West Down Broad Street towards 24th.
2. Turn Right down 24th Street (go 1 block)
3. Turn Left on Marshall Street (go 3 blocks)
4. Cross Jefferson Ave. and run up the path to the left of Jefferson Park (you will run next to outdoor exercise equipment)
5. Once you reach the top of the hill turn Right and Run through the park towards Alamo BBQ (Clay & Jefferson)
6. At the Circle at Alamo (Clay & Jefferson) turn Left and run up Jefferson until you reach the circle at 25th (Sub Rosa & The Roosevelt)
7. Take your 2nd Right and run East up M Street (The Roosevelt will be on your right)
8. Run 6 blocks up M Street (you will hit Mile 1) to 31st Street.
9. Turn Right on 31st Street and continue 4 blocks to Broad Street.
10. Turn Left on Broad St and run 1 Block towards Chimborazo Park
11. Once you hit 32nd Street run into Chimborazo Park keeping the museum on your right and run through the "Circle"
12. Continue through the park (up and over the hill) towards the back corner of Chimborazo Park (towards 36th & Government Road)
13. As you Exit the Park you will see gates to the Dog Park, take a right and run down behind the park towards the Dog Park
14. Follow the road down into the parking lot and continue following the road as it stays along the bottom of the hill (Mile 2).
15. You will see a chain gate (should be down if not run around) go through that gate as the road turns to dirt.
16. Follow the path around to the right until you see the STAIRS on the Right. Yes take a right up the stairs!!
17. At the top of the stair run straight and take a left at E Grace Street (first road after block of 3 houses on left).
18. Stay left and run down the path along Chimborazo Park (keep park on the right).
19. Take a left at 29th Street and head towards Libby Hill.
20. Run into the circle and take a right into Libby Hill Park (you will be cutting back through the park to 28th Street)
21. Run through the park (paved road), cross Franklin and run up 28th up towards Broad Street.
22. At Broad Street take a Left and head back to 25th.
Start/Finish Line (25th & E Broad Street)
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
25th & Broad St (Church Hill) - Richmond VA
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.