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#iCare 5K for 5K

Mon June 15 - Tue June 30 Vienna, VA 22182 US


Family Discounts

#iCare 5K for 5K

12:00AM EDT - 11:59PM EDT


Vienna, VA US 22182


RACE WINNERS!! Congratulations to all our winners! Each age division winner will receive a custom #iCare tumbler and the listed gift card below:

OVERALL WINNER: Drew Clague (19:33) $30 Amazon Gift Card
40-59 Male: Yoni Arbel (21:24) $25 Uber Gift Card
40-59 Female: Melissa Tadokoro (24:06) $25 Uber Gift Card
21-39 Male: Sam Zhao (19:50) $25 Uber Gift Card
21-39 Female: KC Tydgat (23:19) $25 Fandango Gift Card
15-20 Female: Olivia Cochis (26:38) & Sofia Cochis (28:19) $25 iTunes Gift Card each
9-14 Male: Hudson Park (22:10) $25 Fandango Gift Card
9-14 Female: Katie Clague (31:18) $25 Fandango Gift Card
Under 9 Male: Austin Akers (29:05) $25 Ben & Jerry's Gift Card
Under 9 Female: Clara & Ellie Jacobs (walking 1:06:00)

UPDATE:: We did! We reached our goal!! THANK YOU for registering and donating to help make a LIFELONG WISH COME TRUE! Once a child has been designated for a wish using the funds we helped raise we should be able to get an update about them - we will be sure to share it with you!!

#iCare is a program that strives to teach students about different aspects of inclusion. During this unprecedented time of social distancing, we want to teach our children that kindness and inclusion are more important than ever. This virtual race is just one opporuntity for our children to join together, virtually, and work towards a goal that can make the difference of a lifetime. With your help, #iCare would like to donate $5,000 to help make a child's Make A Wish Foundation request come true. These funds will be added to the $5,000 already raised by Lily Yeh, a fellow resident of Vienna, through her A Chip And A Charity (Make A Wish). Our combined total of $10,000 will help make a lifetime wish come true. Any funds we raise over $5,000 from this race will be donated to a local food bank, Food For Others. 

You can run or walk your 5K at your own time and pace between June 15th - June 30th. You can race from anywhere! Race packets/race shirts can be mailed to you if you choose the mailing option at the end of registration. A contactless pickup will take place on Saturday, June 13th from 9AM-11AM at the parking lot of Epiphany Preschool (1014 Country Club Dr NE, Vienna, VA 22180).

There will be a prize for best overall time in the following categories:
Men 60+
Men 40-59
Men 21-39
Young Adults Male 15-20
Young Adults Male 9-14
Kids Male Under 9
Women 60+
Women 40-59
Women 21-39
Young Adults Female 15-20
Young Adults Female 9-14
Kids Female Under 9

Results will be based on the honor system. Take a screenshot of your distance and time and email your results to  or post it to our Facebook page @iCare Inclusion
We want to see your pictures! Facebook (@icare inclusion) Instagram (@icare_inclusion) or Twitter (@icareinclusion) 
#iCareinclusion #iCare5Kfor5K

Please also join us in our "Kindness Challenge" - post a picture or video of your act of kindness to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and you will be entered for a raffle prize! 
We’ll have some great prizes so make sure you post!




Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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