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Thursday Coached Runs

Thu September 3 - Thu September 24 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 US Directions


604 Norfolk Ave
Virginia Beach, VA US 23451


Are you an Endeavor Coached Athlete? 

During these crazy and uncertain times that we are now living in, it's time to take a different more personal approach to our group runs. Endeavor has three coaches, Rob Hunter, Adam Poole and Renee Merchant. At this point the coaches feel it is necessary for us to provide an environment that people feel comfortable with when wanting to interact with the Endeavor Coaches while still having a small group environment. We will still have Thursday and Saturday runs but our location will be changing. These runs will be by SignUp only and limited to 20 runners. There will be COVID-19 waivers to sign and temperatures will be taken with a non-contact device. We know these circumstances are not ideal, but know they are also not permanent. If you are sick, have been around someone who has been sick within the last 14 days we are asking that you please stay home. 

If you have signed up but cannot make it please contact Amanda Stover; to be removed from the signup sheet. 

Let's make the best of this situation and get to know each athlete and the coaches. 

Thursday Night Run
Location: TBD each week, please check the description of each run. 
Time: Meet @ 6:00pm, Warm Up @ 6:15pm & Run @ 7:00am

** Sign up, Show up, Sign Waiver, Get temperature taken, and RUN **

Race Contact Info

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Race Participant Survey

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