Winchester, VA US 22601
Live results listing for athletes at the halfway split and finish of each race.
The recommended approach is to search the athlete(s) you want to have results for at this link: This page will automatically refresh every 60 seconds, or use the refresh icon to refresh more often. As soon as the athletes split time is available, they will be displayed on the page. Then as athletes cross the finish line, this time will be updated to display the athletes UNOFFICIAL finishing time.
For a full listing of all athlets split times and finish results use this link:
Be sure to you have the correct race selected and refresh your webpage (not just the refresh icon) often to see additional athletes as they pass through the split mark and finish line.
Note: All splits and finishing results are UNOFFICIAL. Official results will be posted here:
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.