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Fri September 25 - Sat November 21 Winchester, VA 22601 US Directions


Individual Event Registration (click here)

09/25 - 11/14 6:00PM - 10:00AM EST
Events: 5,000 Meters (9/25) 5,000 Meters (10/9) 3,000 Meters (10/23) 6,000 Meters (11/14)

5k Championship

11/21 10:00AM EST

COVID-19 Tracer Form (11/21/2020)

Will be available at 10:00am on Friday, November 20th, 2020.  Must be submitted NLT 11:59pm on Friday, November 20th, 2020.

League Rankings / Championship Qualifiers

Updated on Saturday, November 14th, 2020 @ 10:30pm.

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Championship Wave & Box Assignment

Updated Thursday, November 19th, 2020 @ 3:20 PM

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


5k Course Map

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Athlete / Traffic Flow on KBA Property

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


COVID-19 Protocols

COVID protocols that will be enforced for the race series:

  1. The total entry field will be limited to 250 athletes, breaking that field up into 5x 50 athlete waves.
  2. The park will open exactly 90 minutes prior to each meet, and close exactly 60 minutes from final finisher. Warm up, race, cool down, go home.
  3. Our starting line is 90 meters wide.  We plan to put 50 runners on the starting line, spread out over that 90 meters (which is one runner every 5' 10").
  4. Each wave will start 90-seconds apart, seeded fastest to slowest, to ensure that no one "catches up" to the wave in front of them.
  5. The start line we utilize at Kernstown is 675 meters before the first turn, so not only are the athletes already spaced out almost 6 feet at the starting line, but the first 3 minutes of the race will spread the runners out even further as they settle into their comfortable race pace.
  6. When checking in to their assigned wave, in addition to the spread out starting line, each separate wave will be minimum 50 meters apart from the next.
  7. NO SPECTATORS will be allowed north of the main road in KBA where the running will take place.  One of the largest issues in athletics is spectator control.  If we have an opportunity to allow an athletic event to take place, the parents, friends, significant others, etc need to not be selfish and understand they just will not be allowed if this is to take place in order to maintain social distancing protocols.  If 16 year old Bobby needs his mom to drive him to the race, she will need to wait in the parking lot for Bobby to finish.
  8. We will have masked parking lot attendants enforcing social distancing within the parking lot area for any spectators/drivers waiting for their athlete to finish.
  9. With the exception of warming up, racing, and cooling down, every human on property must wear a mask, even after warming up, but waiting in corral for their next wave to run.  Athletes may remove their mask when their wave moves up to the starting line.  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to keep a mask on at ALL TIMES.
  10. There will be no awards ceremony, or any other social gathering on property.  Show up, warm up, race, cool down, go home.  Awards can be individually picked up at a later date from the Kernstown Battlefield Visitors Center Saturdays/Sundays between 10am to 4pm.
  11. The athletes will wear color coded bib numbers with two seperate 15' wide finish lines based on that color bib number to further social distance at the end of the race.  This will help prevent chaos that typically happens at the end of the race in the finish corral of too many athletes finishing at same time in a small area.   
  12. We will have two certified athletic trainers on site to assist with any post race issues.
  13. We will require all athletes to supply their own water.  Our athletic trainers will have cases of sealed water bottles for emergencies.
  14. Volunteers (roughly 15 people) will be masked, and aiding in enforcing all of these protocols. 
  15. We will also have hand sanitation stations inside the finish corral, the clerking corral, and entering/exiting the parking lot to cross the street onto the north side of the KBA property.
  16. In addition, a symptom check form (temperature, symptoms, exposure to COVID+, etc) will be required the day of each race from the athlete in order to participate.
  17. We will NOT allow day of registration.  Only pre-registered athletes will be permitted on "meet side" of property (North side of Battle Park Dr.).


610 Battle Park Drive
Winchester, VA US 22601


Who can run?

This is an open meet for anyone wishing to run. The purpose of this series is to provide a safe opportunity for all runners, especially those at the middle school, high school, and college and post collegiate levels to compete and keep their competitive edge. The cross country series will certainly have a competitive atmosphere on a very well established and maintained course. In short, it'll be the closest thing to a real cross country experience permitted during the pandemic that you'll find anywhere.

Series Format:

Four “Regular Season” Races

  • Friday, September 25th, 2020 @ 6:00 pm – 5,000 meters
  • Friday, October 9th, 2020 @ 5:30 pm – 5,000 meters
  • Friday, October 23rd, 2020 @ 5:30 pm – 3,000 meters
  • Saturday, November 14th, 2020 @ 10:00 am – 6,000 meters

End of Season “Championship” Race

  • Saturday, November 21st, 2020 @ 10:00 am – 5,000 meters

Starting Format:

  • First Race will be seeded by self reported predicted time and will be combined gender based on time.
  • 2nd, 3rd, and 4th races will be seeded based on the combined total of the
    “season’s” race times. Also, combined gender through season.
  • All five meets will consist of waves of 50 athletes starting at a time on
    2 minute staggers. The starting line will be 75m wide, with each
    athlete being assigned to a 1.5m starting box to promote social
    • Wave 2 will be in a holding area 5 meters behind main start, with
      wave 3 behind that, and so on for the total number of waves needed.
  • The “championship” will be a 5k, with the females starting first, followed 2 minutes later by the males.

How to Register and Associated Costs:

  • The league will cost $100 per athlete, and will guarantee entry to the four “regular season” meets plus series T-shirt.
  • Depending on field sizes, there will be a limited number of openings for participants wishing to register for single meets.
    • We will NOT allow day of registration.
    • If one wishes to run an individual race, you will automatically be placed in an “open wave” going last. A singular race will cost $50 to enter.
    • Registration for a single race will open Monday, Sept 14th and will close Friday, Sept. 18th.
  • There is no entry fee for the athletes who qualify for the Championship meet. 
  • Tee Shirts included for all athletes entered before September 20th, 2020, 11:59pm.

Qualifying for “Championship”

  • Top 35 males and top 35 females, plus the next 5 in each age group based on collective season race time total.
  • Must race all four regular season races in order to qualify for the Championship.
  • If there are not 5 in a particular age group, we will pull the remaining “fastest collective times” in order to fill the championship field to 50 athletes per gender.

Real Time Results Scoreboard:

Race 1

Awards (for Championship Meet only):

  • Final season awards will be mailed and/or available for pick up, no award ceremony on site.
  • Trophy to male / female league champion
  • Medals to top 10 overall.
  • 1st place medal to age group champion (with the exception of the overall champion)

Real-Time Results

Blue Ridge Timing will offer a real-time results scoreboard for individuals and teams. Click the logo and then select the link for today's meet.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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