Richmond, VT US 05477
The need for financial support in our community continues! Please join us in raising funds to support families with financial hardships due to the economic times and also the health of a sick child being treated at UVM Children's Hospital throughout these upcoming winter months. We continue to be respectful of community members choosing to participate virtually. We invite all runners and walkers to join us via an in-person OR virtual 5K or 10K on Thursday November 28, 2024 (Thanksgiving). The in-person race will begin at 8:30am. The finish will be in the same location. The virtual race can be done anytime on Thanksgiving Day before 8:00pm. All registration will be done virtually!
Participants are in charge of their own timing again this year, since not everyone will be in person. Remember your watches! We welcome your finish times and photos on the website afterward; completely optional. Instructions will be sent after the race. We made a point to separate the races ahead of time to help with timing accuracy.
Please choose the virtual option if you are experiencing symptoms of a cold and/or cough.
Thank you again for joining us in whatever capacity you are able. Give what you can and know that your generosity will go far to meet the needs of families struggling right now!
Race Course: Out and back on Cochoran Road. Start and Finish line halfway down Farr Rd. (Behind Stone Corral Brewery).
T-shirt Pick Up Info: Richmond Community Kitchen 5PM-7PM on Nov 27th (Thanksgiving Eve). The first 150 people to arrive at t-shirt pick up on Thanksgiving Eve will be guaranteed a 2024 Turkey Trot t-shirt. Sizes are first come, first serve. There will be throwback merchandise from past years available as well. We would also appreciate non perishable items for the food pantry at UVM Children's Hospital.
After Race Treat: Apple Cider and Cider Doughnuts from Hackett’s Orchard.
Parking: Volunteer Green (near the playground before the bridge). IF THE GROUND IS DRY, feel free to use the lower space before the Round Church. We aim to keep the grass looking beautiful for our local community members. There will be no parking around the loop of the Round Church. Feel free to bring your strollers, but please leave your dogs at home!
Port a-Potty: Near the start this year!
Prizes: The top finishers of the in-person 5K will be eligible for a prize on the day of the race.
Check out our website at for information about our mission and our merchandise. We look forward to celebraing with you! Have fun, be safe and we hope to help inspire your Thanksgiving!
A special thank you to the following:
*Thank you to the Williams family for their ever present support!
*Thank you Richmond Historical Society for allowing us to use your beautiful property on race day!
*Thank you to our t-shirt distributor JoAnn’s for keeping us looking fresh!
*Thank you Hackett’s Orchard for providing us with delicious treats after the event!
*Thank YOU for participating and giving what you can to keep our mission alive!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Jarred's Story

Jarred Williams : 1988-2001
Jarred Williams was born and grew up in Richmond, Vermont.
Part of his life story is about how short it was. He died on his 13th
birthday,Thanksgiving day, of a brain tumor. While the last part of his life
included several surgeries,six weeks of radiation treatment in Boston and
months of uncertainty,this is only one part of the story.
Jarred's life also exemplified fun,friends and family. He was always up for
an adventure and kept a positive attitude throughout his life. He enjoyed
playing soccer,swimming in his backyard pool, having fun with his close-
knit family and group of friends, and hanging out with his golden retriever.
Laughter was never far away. Even as his tumor progressed and his words
slipped away, he communicated with thumbs up sign. The core of his
life was centered around family and friends, and it is with this spirit
his family was able to create the Jarred Williams Foundation.
His foundation is no longer active but his family has continued to support
many other organizations who's mission is to support families who have
a child with a chronic and life threatening illness. And Never Give Up Ever
is one of them.
Thank you all that will be running on Thanksgiving morning in Jarred's memory
and for the Benefit of Never Give Up Ever.
Dwayne Williams
(Jarred's Dad )
Never Give Up Ever
Check out our mission and merchandise! Every dollar counts!
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.