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The Vermont Krampuslauf

Sat December 11, 2021 South Pomfret, VT 05067 US Directions


247 Stage Rd
South Pomfret, VT US 05067


In central European culture, Krampus is a half goat, half demon monster that punishes misbehaving children during Christmas time. Krampus is said to follow St. Nicholas carrying a wicker basket filled with birch branches to swat bad children.

For many years, central European countries have celebrated this holiday with Krampuslauf ( Krampus Run) where people dress up as Krampus and run throughout out the streets of town. This year, we bring a piece of this tradition to Vermont.

Race Mozey will be partnering with Vermont Adaptive and presenting the Krampuslauf 50K, 10K, and 5K at Suicide Six ski resort in Pomfret VT on December 11th 2021. The race will consist of trails throughout the ski resort where we will have a 5 K loop ending at the top of the mountain and runners will take the ski lift back down. There will also be a 10K loop which will continue up and down the mountain. 50K runners will do the 10K loop 5 times. Since the weather can be unpredictable this time of year, this event is open to the possibility of straight trail running, micro spikes, or even snow shoes. Exact information weather conditions will come out two weeks prior to the race but don't worry, we will have snow shoe rentals on site if needed.

The elevation for each length are:

5K 1200’ of gain

10K 2000’ of gain

50k 10,000’ of gain

All finishers will receive a race medal and all DNF's will receive a birch twig.

Participants for the 5K are encouraged to dress up as Krampus for a more traditional Krampuslauf and there will be prizes for best Krampus costumes.


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