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GMAA Sap Run

Sun April 6, 2025 Westford, VT 05494 US Directions



$15 11:00AM EDT Registration ends April 4, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


Westford Elementary School
146 Brookside Road
Westford, VT US 05494



Certified (VT21003JK) 10K out and back on muddy, hilly, country roads through rural Westford. Starts on Brookside Road in front of Westford Elementary School (146 Brookside Rd, Westford, VT 05494) and heads south on Brookside Road and then Pettingill Road. Turn around at mile 3 and come back the same way, but finishing in the school driveway.



Entry Fee: $15 Pre-registration/$20 Race Day (GMAA members subtract $5)

  • Pre-registration encouraged. Please register online (online registration closes Friday, April 5th at midnight).
  • Race day registration from 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. at the Westford School on Brookside Road in Westford
  • There are no refunds, deferrals or transfers.



Open to all runners 12 and older. For runners under the age of 12, the runner must be accompanied by a parent or guardian throughout the race.



Bathrooms are available, but there are no showers.



Prizes will be awarded to top finishers in the men’s, women’s, and non-binary categories in addition to a random drawing!



Take Vermont 128 to Westford Village. At the common turn south onto Brookside Road (dirt). School is on the left after a half mile.



Reach out to Race Directors Diane Fuchs & Tim Richmond:

NOTE: GMAA/Insurance rules prohibit running with a baby jogger or dog. For safety reasons and as a courtesy to fellow runners, GMAA strongly discourages the use of headphones.

There are no refunds, deferrals or transfers.

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