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Viking Dash - Cape Fear

Saturday, February 7, 2026 Winnabow, NC 28479 US Directions

Course Description

Course Description

The run course is a combination of single track trails and wide dirt logging roads.

CAUTION:  The single track trail sections are filled with roots, so BE CAFEFUL and be looking down as you run.
The Gator Trail has some especially technical sections with sudden small elevation changes in the terrain (up or down a foot or so in some spots)


*  The start for both the 5K and 10K will be on the dirt logging road. 
*  Participants will run the first .15 miles on the logging road before transitioning to the single track Canebreak Trail. 
*  Participants will run the next 1.25 miles on the Canebreak Trail.
*  Participants will exit the Canebreak Trail and turn right onto the main logging road where they will proceed down to the turnaround point. 
*  Runners will return on the logging road and turn right onto the Gator Trail. This out & back section is 4/10s of a mile (2/10s down & 2/10s back).
*  There will be a water station going into the Gator Trail.
*  Participants will negotiate the Gator Trail which is approximately 1.15 miles long.
*  Participants will exit the Gator Trial onto the main logging road and turn right towards the finish. The last section is .15 miles long.
*  Approaching the finish line, participants will either turn right into the finish chute (all 5K participants & 10K participants who are on their 2nd lap) OR for 10K participants  
   beginning their 2nd lap, they will turn left and back onto the Canebreak Trail.



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