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Wednesday-Sunday Obstacle Set-Up/Tear Down Lead High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


This position will lead a small team in building obstacles
Must be available Wednesday - Sunday
Will receive a cash stipend - email for more information

Obstacle Set-Up Crew High Priority

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Obstacle set-up crew help.
Should be available at least one pre-race day for set-up
Can race for free

Obstacle Tear-Down Crew High Priority

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Obstacle tear-down crew help
Should be available on Saturday or Sunday for tear down.
Can race for free in an early heat

Course Marker Lead High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Will be responsible for leading a small team to mark the course route the day prior to the race.
Must be available on Friday and Saturday
Can race for free

Race Day Crew High Priority

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Volunteer help in one or more areas
Can race in volunteer heat for free

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