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Wild for Moreland Community 5K (Run/Walk)

Sat March 29, 2025 San Jose, CA 95130 US Directions

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Halfway Point Designer(s) Medium Priority

Minimum met, 2 volunteer spots remaining.


Do you have idea about how to make the halfway point exciting? Let's do it!

The halfway point is on the Latimer School campus. Let's make it exciting for all of the participants.

2-3 hour commitment

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Latimer School

Set Up Helpers High Priority

March 29, 2025


Help on Sunday morning setting up some pop up tents, tables, and signs.

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Moreland School District Office, Latimer School

Racecourse Attendants High Priority

You must be 12 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 29, 2025


Stand along the racecourse to encourage racers, make sure everyone stays on the racecourse, and answer questions.

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Mascots and Handlers Medium Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 29, 2025


Ready to be a celebrity? This is your chance! Wear one of the school mascot uniforms and be a photo sensation.

Want to sign up with a friend? One of you can wear the costume and one of you can be a handler and help the mascot move around.

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Moreland District Office

Mascot Captain

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Help the celebrity, mascot volunteers manage their time and the changing room.

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Moreland School District Office

Lead Biker Medium Priority

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 29, 2025


Do you have a bike and would you like to bike ahead of the participants to lead the path of the race? If so, please sign up! We might attach a go-pro on you to take additional pictures of the race. You must wear a bike helmet.

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You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 29, 2025


We need a few people to help take pictures of our races as they cross the finish line, and perhaps over at the halfway point.

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Racecourse tail

You must be 12 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


We are looking for a few people to walk at the end of the race so that we can determine when it's safe to open the roads and officially end the race. This is a great role for someone pushing a stroller with their little one!

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Moreland Middle School

Medical Support

First Aid Tent Attendants High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 29, 2025


Last year we had an injury free event, but we want to make sure that we are prepared!

We will have two basic first aid tents - one at Latimer School and one at the District Office. We will provide first aid kits, gloves, water, and ice packs.

This is a great opportunity to volunteer with a friend and cheer on the racers.

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Moreland School District Office
Latimer School

Promotion and Advertising

Event Promotion

March 22, 2025


We need help passing out flyers to the local neighborhoods so that they are aware of there race.

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Sign Up and Bibs

Check-In Captain(s) High Priority

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Make sure that check in can go as smoothly as possible.

Make sure signs and information are organized, visible, and ready to go on race day. Be there to great volunteers and get them set up to check in participant.

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Moreland School District Office

Check-In Table High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 29, 2025


Help racers check in, get their bibs and answer questions.

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Moreland School District Office

Race Setup & Cleanup

Hang up Tow-away signs High Priority

March 27, 2025


We need help hanging up the tow away signs for the roads which will be closed on race day on Thursday afternoon before the race.

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Moreland Middle School

Decoration and Tent Setup High Priority

March 28, 2025


We will try and setup the race course cones, tents and decorations the night before to make Saturday morning a little more smooth.

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Latimer and Moreland Middle School

Clean Up Crew High Priority

March 29, 2025


We will need help breaking down tents and bringing them to the storage areas either at the district office or Latimer. We will also need to clean up decorations and pick up any trash by the school.

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District Office and Latimer

Return Tents

March 31, 2025


Do you have a large SUV or truck? We'll need to return tents from the places they have been borrowed. Please stop by the district office, pick up the tents and help get them back to Baker.

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Moreland Middle School

Traffic Control

Traffic Control

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Our racecourse meanders through the neighborhood between the Moreland School District Office and Latimer School. Several streets and intersections will be closed and require a police presence.

If you have experience with traffic control, please volunteer and help us keep our participants safe.

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