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Garden of the Gods 10 Mile/10K and Trail Run

Sun June 8, 2025 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 US Directions

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Start Line/Finish Line

Start Line Setup Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Volunteers will assist with the setup of the runners start line from 5:30am - 8:00am
Once all runners have started the run, volunteers will also assist with disassemble.

Announcer's Assistant

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 8, 2025


Help make the announcer's job run smoothly and efficiently by spotting runners and their bib numbers. After accessing the runners' information, you will then relay the information to the announcer.


Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods

Finish Line/Medal Distribution

June 8, 2025


Volunteers will enthusiastically greet runners and observe them as they cross the finish line, providing assistance to sit down or to walk to the medical area, if needed. Volunteers will also present the runners with their finisher medals. Set up and take down/cleanup of the area are also included in their responsibilities.


Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods

Sweat Check & Shirt Exchange

June 8, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


As a courtesy to the participants, gear check service to all registered athletes is offered. Volunteers will collect gear bags at the race start, ensuring all bags are labeled and tightly secured. They will then help transport the bags to the finish line area. Volunteers will organize athletes’ gear bags and distribute the bags to the runners after completion of their race

Sometimes a runner's racing shirt just doesn't fit as expected. In addition to distributing sweat check bags at the end of the race, volunteers will also organize shirts and assist those needing to exchange their shirts.


Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods

Expo/Post Race Activities

Expo Set Up High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 8, 2025


Volunteers will assist vendors with unloading/set up. They will also assist in the setting up of tents, tables, and chairs for beer service, food distribution, awards, merchandise, shirt exchange, etc.


Rockledge Ranch

Expo Tear Down High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 8, 2025


Volunteers will assist vendors with load-out of all supplies; break down of tables, chairs, and tents used for food distribution, merchandise, etc.; assist with all aspects of clean up to ensure the park is left ibetter than when the when the event started.

Runners' Food & Refreshments High Priority

June 8, 2025


Runners appreciate a little celebratory food after their race. Volunteers will set up the service area, prep and serve runner food and drinks. The area will also need to be taken down/cleaned up after the event.


Expo area at Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods

Merchandise Sales

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 6, 2025

June 7, 2025

June 8, 2025


Do you have a sales personality? This position is perfect for you. Here's your opportunity to sell race wear, restock merchandise and handle money. Volunteers will also be responsible for the set up and clean up of the merchandise area.


Pre-race days - Fleet Feet
Race day - Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods Park

High School Aid Station Challenge Voting

June 8, 2025


All aid stations on the course are manned by high school cross country and track teams. At the end of the race, volunteers will enthusiastically encourage runners to vote for their favorite aid station. Volunteers will tally the votes and relay the name of the winners to the announcer. Set up and clean up the voting area will also be included in these responsibilities.


Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods


Volunteer and Vendor Parking

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 8, 2025


Welcome our volunteers and set an inviting tone to a highly anticipated day! To enable as many vehicles to park in the designated area off of Chambers Ave., volunteers will monitor the entrance the parking area and direct volunteers to park in an organized manner. In addition, they will direct vendor traffic flow to the unloading/drop off area and then to the vendors' parking area.


Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods. Parking for volunteers and vendors off of Chambers Ave.

Runner Parking High Priority

June 8, 2025


Assist with runner parking, manage flow of traffic and direction of parking.


Garden of the Gods Visitor Lot (Dirt Lot)

Race Course

Road Course Marshals High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 8, 2025


Directing runners and keeping them safe along the route are key. Duties include a thorough understanding of the race course and the ability to stop pedestrian traffic to enable runners to stay on course. Standing for long periods of time is required.


Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods

Race Operations

Pre-Race Prep and Set-Up High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 9 more volunteers needed.


Become involved with the backbone of race preparation and set-up. Volunteers will be needed on the Friday and mainly on the Saturday before race day to prep supplies and equipment.

Tasks include, but are not limited to:
- Picking up and preparing race day trucks
- Retrieving, cleaning and sanitizing water tanks
- Installing signs at the race site

The Operations Lead will contact volunteers with schedule details and offer flexible work shifts.

For additional information, contact the Race Operations Lead at


Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods Park

Race Day Operations - On Site High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 8, 2025


Rock Ledge Ranch is the home site of the race. Volunteers will set up and disassemble the start line and finish line; set up, disassemble and clean up the Expo area; and monitor the water/aid stations.

For additional information, contact the Race Operations Lead at


Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods Park

The Whole Race Operations Bundle High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 7 more volunteers needed.


The operations crew is an integral part of any race. Volunteers for the "whole bundle" are interested in and have the time to commit to all or most of the pre-race day and race day tasks (see "Race Operations" for pre-race, set up and race day tasks).

The Operations Lead will contact volunteers with schedule details and offer flexible work shifts.

For additional information, contact the Race Operations Lead at

For additional information, contact the Race Operations Lead at


Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods Park

Runners' Packets

Bib Labeling High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 4, 2025


Are you a detail oriented person? Bib labeling volunteers will be affixing participant data labels and timing chips onto race bibs. This position requires attention to detail.


Pikes Peak Marathon Office, 441 Manitou Ave., Manitou Springs

Packet Pick-Up High Priority

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 6, 2025

June 7, 2025

June 8, 2025


Be the first to see how the race begins! Duties include distributing race bibs, shirts, and sweat/gear check bags: assisting runners with finding their bib number; answering questions and providing race information. This position requires some light lifting, up to 30 lbs., as well as setup and cleanup of the work area.


June 7-8 - Fleet Feet (formerly Boulder Running Company) 3659 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
June 9 - Rock Ledge Ranch (race morning)


Timing Crew

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Register if if instructed to do so by the lead timing coordinator




Volunteer Check-in

June 8, 2025


Be the first ones to greet our volunteers! These check-in volunteers will check in volunteers ensuring all waivers/agreements have been signed as well as distribute volunteer shirts. If needed, they will also provide directions to the volunteers' positions. Set up and clean up of the check-in area will also be a part of their responsibilities.


Rock Ledge Ranch at Garden of the Gods Park


At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Leads, committee members and leadership team members, who will be leading race activities during the Garden of the Gods 10M/10K/Trail, are requested to register.


At least 6 more volunteers needed.

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