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High Lonesome 100

Fri July 18 - Sat July 19, 2025 Nathrop, CO 81236 US

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Aid Station Supply and Operations Support

Wednesday - Aid Station Prep (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 16, 2025


Tasks include loading up all the gear from the garage and moving it to the staging area. As time permits, this shift will also start sorting the supplies into aid station specific allotments.


loading at Banefski house 102 Grouse Rd, Buena Vista

Wednesday Aid Station Prep - (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 16, 2025


Tasks include sorting and distributing gear, labeling, filling up water jugs and other random odds and ends.

Please have lunch before you come or bring it with you, we'll likely have some snacks on hand but are not planning on ordering a meal


Airport (27960 Co Rd 319, Buena Vista)

Thursday Aid Station Prep (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 17, 2025


Tasks include sorting and distributing gear, labeling, filling up water jugs and other random odds and ends.

*New for 2024, we are going to start delivering aid station supplies to the aid stations to lessen the load on the captains. We will need some folks who are comfortable driving a large box van on rough roads during this shift. Please email kelsey.b@highlonesome100 if you sign up for this shift and want to be considered for one of the driver positions.


Airport (27960 Co Rd 319, Buena Vista)

Start/Finish Line Set Up Crew (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 16, 2025


*New for 2024*

That beautiful start/finish line arch, chute and village don't just materialize out of thin air. This year we are asking for a little more formalized help getting the start/finish area prepped and ready for race day.


Coordinates: 38.741747, -106.158101

Sunday Clean-Up Start/Finish Line (Volunteer Points - 3)

July 20, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Nobody likes to clean-up after a party, but it's a chore that has to be done. We appreciate the post race cleanup folks so much we award them with our highest per shift volunteer points!


Coordinates: 38.741747, -106.158101

Finish Line - Saturday Aid Station Organization (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 19, 2025


Do you love organization? This is your job! When you sign up for this job you we be welcoming back tired and weary aid station captains. You will help them unpack their returned gear and organize it into inventoriable groups, which makes clean-up on Sunday immensely easier. Its not the sexiest job, but it sure is important!

*The workload here tends to ebb and flow as aid stations come to drop off their gear.  This year this staff will be responsible for immediately getting any returned shelters set back up along the finish line chute to provide shade for spectators.  When there are no aid stations returning gear and all available shade structures have been redeployed, these folks can assist with other finish line duties, but they should always be attentive for incoming aid station drop offs.  


Coordinates: 38.741747, -106.158101

Friday Aid Station Prep

July 18, 2025


Load gear into U-haul. Must be able to lift up to 50lb for entirety of shift


Airport (27960 Co Rd 319, Buena Vista)

Thursday - Volunteer Driver

July 17, 2025


Deliver and unload gear to Raspberry, St. Elmo and Hancock aid stations. Must be comfortable driving a 15-20ft uhaul on unpaved and narrow roads and able to lift up to 50lbs.


Airport (27960 Co Rd 319, Buena Vista)

Friday - Volunteer Driver

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Deliver and unload gear to Monarch, Fooses and Blanks aid stations. Must be comfortable driving a 15-20ft uhaul on unpaved and narrow roads and able to lift up to 50lbs.


Airport (27960 Co Rd 319, Buena Vista)

Saturday- Volunteer Driver

July 19, 2025


Pick up gear from St. Elmo and Hancock aid stations. Must be comfortable driving a 15-20ft uhaul on unpaved and narrow roads and able to lift up to 50lbs.


Start/Finish Line

General Aid Station Volunteers

Start Line - Friday Pre-Race Parking Attendant (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 18, 2025


Parking coordination is key to a good race start. These positions will help make sure cars a parked orderly and safely. People who sign up for this shift will also be asked to hold cars from leaving the start/finish area until runners have safely navigated off the first paved road section of the course.


Coordinates: 38.741747, -106.158101

Raspberry Gulch One - General Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 18, 2025


Raspberry is the first and last aid station for runners, and they almost seem like different aid stations! Raspberry 1 is only 7.7 miles into the race and crew accessible, so it's bustling! Runners tend to be in and out, which means mostly filling water bottles, making sure people park correctly, and tracking the HUGE rush of runners without missing anyone. Raspberry 1 is a popular aid station for people to use to double up their shifts since it's over quickly. Raspberry is captained by Wade Janacek (2018 HL100 Finisher) - his third year as Raspberry Captain. He's an excellent organizer and he coordinates the group camping so it's easy and fun for volunteers! Although there is no running water, there is good cell service here and a portapotty.


- Coordinates: 38.689344, -106.170766

Antero - General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 2)

July 18, 2025


Our most remote aid station! At this point the runners have gone over the high point of the course and are just starting their long descent down the Antero Jeep Road. They will be very happy to see you after such a grueling climb. Access to this aid station is difficult and requires a high clearance truck, SUV or Jeep. Because of the early morning opening time we suggest heading up on Thursday evening and enjoying a night of camping (and a family dinner) to ensure you are ready for the first runners. Runners are usually in a great mood and move through the aid station quickly. The atmosphere is fantastic especially with how remote it is! Since this station goes by so quickly, it's a great aid station for people who want to work later in the race or have pacing obligations.


Coordinates: 38.670284, -106.264233

St. Elmo - General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 18, 2025


Located on the outskirts of the Ghost town of St. Elmo (it's usually crowded with tourists), this aid station has quickly earned a reputation as a great place to see carnage. Runners will cross Laws Pass twice on their way to and from Cottonwood, racking up over 4k of vert in 12 miles. Due to the multi-directional traffic, St. Elmo is never slow or dull. Some runners move in and out quickly, others spend more time trying to recover. Either way, it's a great place for volunteers to see runners just starting to get into the teeth of the race. St. Elmo is captained by Jesse Peragine (2019 Finisher)- his second year as a Captain. Jesse has an infectious personality and brings a deep knowledge of the race to the table. St. Elmo has no cell service or running water, but does have a portapotty. Parking for the aid station is in the ghost town and requires a 1/4 mile (easy) hike to get to the aid station.


Coordinates: 38.705408, -106.349988

Cottonwood - General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 18, 2025


One of the most energetic aid stations, Cottonwood is nestled in a little meadow along the banks of Cottonwood Creek. Ringed on all sides by the peaks of Mineral Basin and the Continental Divide, it's downright charming. This is a crew accessible aid station, and shuttles are run by CORE, a local 4wd education and advocacy group. This is a great aid station for anyone, including families and first-time volunteers. Access to the aid station requires a moderately long drive on a rough 2wd road but is a great choice for volunteers who want to work on Friday, but can't come in the night before.


Coordinates: 38.764577, -106.336511

Tin Cup- General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 3.5)

July 17, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


****Volunteers for this shift must be available Thursday 7/17 between 4:00 and 6:00 to pick up aid station supplies in Buena Vista. Volunteers must also have a high clearance 4-wheel drive to be able to get up a very rough road to the aid station. Volunteers can either drive up and camp Thursday night or head up Friday morning before 10:00 AM. Lastly Volunteers need to be able to help transport the gear back down after the aid station closes either late Saturday night (around 11:00 PM) or camp and load out Saturday Morning****

This small-but-mighty aid station plays a critical role for runners and is one of the most remote aid stations. Tin Cup is only 3.5 miles up the road from St. Elmo, but it marks the turn off of the road onto the remotest part of the course - alpine tunnel. Runners are usually really starting to grind at this point, and for some it's the beginning of the night. Set only a few hundred feet below treeline next to the Continental Divide, Tin Cup is a magical place. Quiet, peaceful, and scenic until runners arrive and then it lights up and turns into the highest back-country costume party in the world! This is a basic aid station, meaning it offers less food and drink options. Access to this aid station requires a high clearance 4wd truck, SUV or Jeep or the ability to hike 3.5 miles from the Ghost Town of St. Elmo. Tin Cup is captained by veteran volunteers - the husband/wife power-duo of John and Jennifer Danese. John is a two-time High Lonesome Finisher (2017 & 2018) and Jennifer is a rad outdoorswoman whose crew prowess is unsurpassed. You won't meet two cooler folks or encounter a more unique aid station! Tin Cup does not have cell service or restrooms, but has a nearby streams too


Coordinates: 38.692373, -106.414172

Hancock- General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 18, 2025


Ahhhh Hancock. Also known as Carnage City. It's the halfway point of the race and it's a wild ride. This is a crew accessible aid station and is the first point runners are allowed to pick up pacers. If you're looking for a true-100 miler aid station experience, this is your spot. Runners tend to be struggling with all the usual problems eating, drinking, blisters, fatigue, breathing, etc. This is a large aid station with a ton of moving parts. Volunteers have to manage parking, crews, pacers, gear checks, food prep, runner assistance, medical issues, comms issues, and more. Hancock is captained by Nick Leuck- his second year as a Captain and his second at Hancock. Nick is a kick ass captain who balances work and fun, brings a good crew, and knows his shit. Hancock doesn't have cell service, but does have a portapotty and a stream to filter water.


Coordinates: 38.639211, -106.361804

Hancock Parking Manager (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025


Some of our aid stations have very limited/difficult parking situations. Hancock is one of those. This position will be coordinated with the Hancock aid station as far as themes, group meals etc, you will just have a specific role to manage parking. This position is absolutely critical for our permit with the Forest Service.


Coordinates: 38.639211, -106.361804

Lost Wonder Hut - General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 2)

July 18, 2025


This is our only indoor aid station! Based out of the lovely Lost Wonder Hut, it's an incredibly important aid station. Runners are completely gassed at this point and are bracing themselves for the section ahead (the Ridge). The aid station is well equipped with a full (kind of) kitchen and numerous spots for runners to rest. Lost Wonder is a great experience, but due to the hours (it's open until 4am) it does require folks who work well on minimal sleep. Volunteers typically all go up to the hut at the same time and then break into shifts so everyone gets some sleep. Rumor has it, the best backcountry pizzas are baked here.


Coordinates: 38.571916, -106.329430

Purgatory - General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 2)

July 18, 2025


Named for its mythical role as the place between Heaven and Hell, this aid station marks the last time above tree line (hell) but there is 3 miles of shit before runners get to Monarch Pass (heaven). Located on the Continental Divide in the Monarch Ski Area, this aid station runs through the middle of the night and is our one of only two aid stations with electricity. Purgatory is known for challenging weather, winds and destroyed runners. It's a full value volunteering experience! Volunteers typically go up together and break into shifts so everyone gets some sleep. Purgatory has cell service for most providers and has electricity, but does not have a water source or restrooms.


Coordinates: 38.517045, -106.344774

Monarch- General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


The fortress on the hill, Monarch is a massive sanctuary for runners. It also marks the end of the high altitude running and for many runners their arrival here coincides with sunrise. Affectionately called Fort Monarch due to its size, volunteers here play an important role helping runners recover and manage problems. Runners are usually pretty spread out by this time, but as crews are allowed at Monarch it's always bustling. Complete with electricity, running water, restroom, and cell service for T-Mobile and AT&T this aid station is a roadside mountain oasis! Captained for the 4th year by Matt Royal, this aid station is an absolute blast! Matt has a knack for bringing people together and puts in massive effort to make this aid station legendary. You can't not have a great time at Monarch. Well, unless you are a runner with stomach issues...


Coordinates: 38.496236, -106.325321

Fooses - General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


Runners will be breathing a sigh of relief when they reach this aid station literally! They have just descended over 2,000 ft since leaving Monarch and the extra oxygen is extremely welcomed. Fooses is one of those aid stations that runners either blow through or spend a lot of time in. Since it's lower in elevation, a lot of runners are finally getting their appetite back. For others, they are chomping at the bit to keep moving. Tucked away along a little creek and pond, it feels remote despite being only a mile from a major highway. Volunteers here take turns working the aid station and manning the highway crossing. Fooses does not have any cell service, but does have a restroom and water to filter.


Coordinates: 38.539770, -106.249442

Shavano - General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This is more of a water-drop and comms hub than a full aid station. The aid station will be just outside the Angel of Shavano Campground and its main purpose to track runners and ensure they don't get turned around in the campground every year there are a few delirious runners who seem to end up here! There is no cell service, but as it's near a campground this aid station is pretty comfortable.


Coordinates: 38.585138, -106.219551

Blanks Cabin - General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


This is a great place for first-time volunteers to work as it's captained and staffed with many experienced volunteers. Located on the Colorado Trail at the base of Mt. Shavano, Blanks is one of the most beautiful aid stations. With ample secluded camping spots dispersed among the aspens, this aid station is within walking distance from the Mt. Shavano trail head which boasts a luxurious pit-volt toilet. Blanks is crew accessible and runners are usually spread out. Blanks is one of our longest-open aid stations and so requires a very coordinated sleeping schedule to make sure everyone is in top shape to help out the runners.


Coordinates: 38.595998, -106.199863

Blanks Parking Manager (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


Some of our aid stations have very limited/difficult parking situations. Blanks is one of those. This position will be coordinated with the Blanks aid station as far as themes, group meals etc, you will just have a specific role to manage parking. This position is absolutely critical for our permit with the Forest Service.


Coordinates: 38.689344, -106.170766

Raspberry Gulch Two - General Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 19, 2025


Raspberry is the first and last aid station for runners, and they almost seem like different aid stations! Raspberry 1 is only 7.7 miles into the race and crew accessible, so it's bustling! Runners tend to be in and out, which means mostly filling water bottles, making sure people park correctly, and tracking the HUGE rush of runners without missing anyone. Raspberry 1 is a popular aid station for people to use to double up their shifts since it's over quickly. Raspberry is captained by Wade Janacek (2018 HL100 Finisher) - his third year as Raspberry Captain. He's an excellent organizer and he coordinates the group camping so it's easy and fun for volunteers! Although there is no running water, there is good cell service here and a portapotty.


- Coordinates: 38.689344, -106.170766

Finish Line - General Aid Station Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 19, 2025


Who doesn't want to welcome runners finishing a 100 miler?? There are few places as inspiring as the finish line of a 100 miler, and even fewer that have the views ours have! Volunteers at the finish will mostly be on cooking duty; making sure runners, crew and other volunteers are nourished and happy. Due to the fact it's at the end of the race, it's easily the biggest party spot on the course! This aid station has restrooms, cell service for all providers, camping, and plenty of left over water and peanut butter. The Finish Line is captained by Kevin Kaucher for his 6th year! Handed the reins about an hour before the first finisher in 2017, Kevin hasn't stopped rocking the aid station since. Always dressed in "MURICA" regalia, Kevin has been adding one piece of American flag apparel to his outfit each year. What will 2024 bring? You'll have to be there to find out, but rumor has it there's a rolling couch involved.


Coordinates: 38.741747, -106.158101

Medical Volunteers

Antero Medical - ALS (Volunteer Points - 3.5)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Our most remote aid station! At this point the runners have gone over the high point of the course and are just starting their long descent down the Antero Jeep Road. They will be very happy to see you after such a grueling climb. Access to this aid station is difficult and requires a high clearance truck, SUV or Jeep. Because of the early morning opening time we suggest heading up on Thursday evening and enjoying a night of camping (and a family dinner) to ensure you are ready for the first runners. Runners are usually in a great mood and move through the aid station quickly. The atmosphere is fantastic especially with how remote it is! Since this station goes by so quickly, it's a great aid station for people who want to work later in the race or have pacing obligations.


Coordinates: 38.670284, -106.264233

St Elmo Medical - ALS (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025


Located on the outskirts of the Ghost town of St. Elmo (it's usually crowded with tourists), this aid station has quickly earned a reputation as a great place to see carnage. Runners will cross Laws Pass twice on their way to and from Cottonwood, racking up over 4k of vert in 12 miles. Due to the multi-directional traffic, St. Elmo is never slow or dull. Some runners move in and out quickly, others spend more time trying to recover. Either way, it's a great place for volunteers to see runners just starting to get into the teeth of the race. St. Elmo is captained by Jesse Peragine (2019 Finisher)- his second year as a Captain. Jesse has an infectious personality and brings a deep knowledge of the race to the table. St. Elmo has no cell service or running water, but does have a portapotty. Parking for the aid station is in the ghost town and requires a 1/4 mile (easy) hike to get to the aid station.


Coordinates: 38.705408, -106.349988

Cottonwood Medical - BLS (Volunteer Points -2.5)

July 18, 2025


One of the most energetic aid stations, Cottonwood is nestled in a little meadow along the banks of Cottonwood Creek. Ringed on all sides by the peaks of Mineral Basin and the Continental Divide, it's downright charming. This is a crew accessible aid station, and shuttles are run by CORE, a local 4wd education and advocacy group. This is a great aid station for anyone, including families and first-time volunteers. Access to the aid station requires a moderately long drive on a rough 2wd road but is a great choice for volunteers who want to work on Friday, but can't come in the night before.


Coordinates: 38.764577, -106.336511

Tin Cup Medical - BLS (Volunteer Points - 3)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This small-but-mighty aid station plays a critical role for runners and is one of the most remote aid stations. Tin Cup is only 3.5 miles up the road from St. Elmo, but it marks the turn off of the road onto the remotest part of the course - alpine tunnel. Runners are usually really starting to grind at this point, and for some it's the beginning of the night. Set only a few hundred feet below tree line next to the Continental Divide, Tin Cup is a magical place. Quiet, peaceful, and scenic until runners arrive and then it lights up and turns into the highest back-country costume party in the world! This is a basic aid station, meaning it offers less food and drink options. Access to this aid station requires a high clearance 4wd truck, SUV or Jeep or the ability to hike 3.5 miles from the Ghost Town of St. Elmo. Tin Cup is captained by veteran volunteers - the husband/wife power-duo of John and Jennifer Danese. John is a two-time High Lonesome Finisher (2017 & 2018) and Jennifer is a rad outdoorswoman whose crew prowess is unsurpassed. You won't meet two cooler folks or encounter a more unique aid station! Tin Cup does not have cell service or restrooms, but has a nearby streams too


Coordinates: 38.692373, -106.414172

Hancock Medical - ALS (Volunteer Points - 3)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Ahhhh Hancock. Also known as Carnage City. It's the halfway point of the race and it's a wild ride. This is a crew accessible aid station and is the first point runners are allowed to pick up pacers. If you're looking for a true-100 miler aid station experience, this is your spot. Runners tend to be struggling with all the usual problems eating, drinking, blisters, fatigue, breathing, etc. This is a large aid station with a ton of moving parts. Volunteers have to manage parking, crews, pacers, gear checks, food prep, runner assistance, medical issues, comms issues, and more. Hancock is captained by Nick Leuck- his second year as a Captain and his second at Hancock. Nick is a kick ass captain who balances work and fun, brings a good crew, and knows his shit. Hancock doesn't have cell service, but does have a portapotty and a stream to filter water.


Coordinates: 38.639211, -106.361804

Lost Wonder Medical - ALS (Volunteer Points - 3.5)

July 18, 2025


This is our only indoor aid station! Based out of the lovely Lost Wonder Hut, it's an incredibly important aid station. Runners are completely gassed at this point and are bracing themselves for the section ahead (the Ridge). The aid station is well equipped with a full (kind of) kitchen and numerous spots for runners to rest. Lost Wonder is a great experience, but due to the hours (it's open until 4am) it does require folks who work well on minimal sleep. Volunteers typically all go up to the hut at the same time and then break into shifts so everyone gets some sleep. Rumor has it, the best backcountry pizzas are baked here.


Coordinates: 38.571916, -106.329430

Purgatory Medical - ALS (Volunteer Points - 3.5)

July 18, 2025


Named for its mythical role as the place between Heaven and Hell, this aid station marks the last time above tree line (hell) but there is 3 miles of shit before runners get to Monarch Pass (heaven). Located on the Continental Divide in the Monarch Ski Area, this aid station runs through the middle of the night and is our one of only two aid stations with electricity. Purgatory is known for challenging weather, winds and destroyed runners. It's a full value volunteering experience! Volunteers typically go up together and break into shifts so everyone gets some sleep. Purgatory has cell service for most providers and has electricity, but does not have a water source or restrooms.


Coordinates: 38.517045, -106.344774

Monarch Medical - ALS (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


The fortress on the hill, Monarch is a massive sanctuary for runners. It also marks the end of the high altitude running and for many runners their arrival here coincides with sunrise. Affectionately called Fort Monarch due to its size, volunteers here play an important role helping runners recover and manage problems. Runners are usually pretty spread out by this time, but as crews are allowed at Monarch it's always bustling. Complete with electricity, running water, restroom, and cell service for T-Mobile and AT&T this aid station is a roadside mountain oasis! Captained for the 4th year by Matt Royal, this aid station is an absolute blast! Matt has a knack for bringing people together and puts in massive effort to make this aid station legendary. You can't not have a great time at Monarch. Well, unless you are a runner with stomach issues…


Coordinates: 38.496236, -106.325321

Fooses Medical - BLS (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


Runners will be breathing a sigh of relief when they reach this aid station literally! They have just descended over 2,000 ft since leaving Monarch and the extra oxygen is extremely welcomed. Fooses is one of those aid stations that runners either blow through or spend a lot of time in. Since it's lower in elevation, a lot of runners are finally getting their appetite back. For others, they are chomping at the bit to keep moving. Tucked away along a little creek and pond, it feels remote despite being only a mile from a major highway. Volunteers here take turns working the aid station and manning the highway crossing. Fooses does not have any cell service, but does have a restroom and water to filter.


Coordinates: 38.539770, -106.249442

Blanks Cabin Medical - ALS (Volunteer Points -2.5)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


This is a great place for first-time volunteers to work as it's captained and staffed with many experienced volunteers. Located on the Colorado Trail at the base of Mt. Shavano, Blanks is one of the most beautiful aid stations. With ample secluded camping spots dispersed among the aspens, this aid station is within walking distance from the Mt. Shavano trail head which boasts a luxurious pit-volt toilet. Blanks is crew accessible and runners are usually spread out. Blanks is one of our longest-open aid stations and so requires a very coordinated sleeping schedule to make sure everyone is in top shape to help out the runners.


Coordinates: 38.595998, -106.199863

Raspberry 2 Medical - BLS (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 19, 2025


Raspberry is the first and last aid station for runners, and they almost seem like different aid stations! Raspberry 1 is only 7.7 miles into the race and crew accessible, so it's bustling! Runners tend to be in and out, which means mostly filling water bottles, making sure people park correctly, and tracking the HUGE rush of runners without missing anyone. Raspberry 1 is a popular aid station for people to use to double up their shifts since it's over quickly. Raspberry is captained by Wade Janacek (2018 HL100 Finisher) - his third year as Raspberry Captain. He's an excellent organizer and he coordinates the group camping so it's easy and fun for volunteers! Although there is no running water, there is good cell service here and a portapotty.


- Coordinates: 38.689344, -106.170766

Finish Line Medical - BLS (Volunteer Points - 3)

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Who doesn't want to welcome runners finishing a 100 miler?? There are few places as inspiring as the finish line of a 100 miler, and even fewer that have the views ours have! Volunteers at the finish will mostly be on cooking duty; making sure runners, crew and other volunteers are nourished and happy. Due to the fact it's at the end of the race, it's easily the biggest party spot on the course! This aid station has restrooms, cell service for all providers, camping, and plenty of left over water and peanut butter. The Finish Line is captained by Kevin Kaucher for his 6th year! Handed the reins about an hour before the first finisher in 2017, Kevin hasn't stopped rocking the aid station since. Always dressed in "MURICA" regalia, Kevin has been adding one piece of American flag apparel to his outfit each year. What will 2024 bring? You'll have to be there to find out, but rumor has it there's a rolling couch involved.


Coordinates: 38.741747, -106.158101

Medical Floating Location - Friday (Volunteer Points -2.5)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This position will be on call to fill any areas of no shows or potential other medical needs during the day Friday. The medical directors will be in touch with more details on this shift.



Medical Floating Location - Saturday (Volunteer Points -2.5)

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This position will be on call to fill any areas of no shows or potential other medical needs during the day Saturday. The medical directors will be in touch with more details on this shift.

Communication/Runner Tracking

Parking Pass Coordinator (Volunteer Points 1.5)

July 18, 2025


*New for 2024* We will be implementing a system that meters crews access to Cottonwood, Hancock and Monarch aid stations. Crews will need to get parking passes at the start/finish line, from the individuals who staff this shift before heading to each of those aid stations. These positions will have real time updates on runner tracking and will release crews by giving them a physical parking pass when their runner passes certain points on the course. Metering parking is a new element required for our race permit that coincides with the runner


Start/Finish Line Coordinates: 38.74111537830723, -106.16010481052308

Raspberry Gulch One - Comms/Runner Tracking Volunteer (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Raspberry is the first and last aid station for runners, and they almost seem like different aid stations! Raspberry 1 is only 7.7 miles into the race and crew accessible, so it's bustling! Runners tend to be in and out, which means mostly filling water bottles, making sure people park correctly, and tracking the HUGE rush of runners without missing anyone. Raspberry 1 is a popular aid station for people to use to double up their shifts since it's over quickly. Raspberry is captained by Wade Janacek (2018 HL100 Finisher) - his third year as Raspberry Captain. He's an excellent organizer and he coordinates the group camping so it's easy and fun for volunteers! Although there is no running water, there is good cell service here and a portapotty.


Coordinates: 38.689344, -106.170766

Skyline - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points: 3.5)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This position will coordinate with the Antero aid station captain and the Comms Director. The volunteers for this shift will need to hike up from the Antero Aid Station to the high point of the Antero road. They will then use provided communication devices to input runner tracking information into the Open Split Time App.


38.661773, -106.257984

Antero - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 3)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Our most remote aid station! At this point the runners have gone over the high point of the course and are just starting their long descent down the Antero Jeep Road. They will be very happy to see you after such a grueling climb. Access to this aid station is difficult and requires a high clearance truck, SUV or Jeep. Because of the early morning opening time we suggest heading up with Captain David Hoff on Thursday evening and enjoying a night of camping (and a family dinner) to ensure you are ready for the first runners. Runners are usually in a great mood and move through the aid station quickly. The atmosphere is fantastic (likely due to David's pancake flipping skills), especially with how remote it is! Since this station goes by so quickly, it's a great aid station for people who want to work later in the race or have pacing obligations. Antero is captained by David Hoff (2017 Finisher) - his third year as Antero Captain. David is one of the most capable outdoorsman you'll meet and his backcountry competency makes Antero's inherent difficulties go unnoticed. PS...David is also an avid traditional bowhunter and likes to cook up some wild game for his volunteers! Antero has no cell service, running water, or restrooms so it's a full off the grid experience!


Coordinates: 38.670284, -106.264233

Baldwin - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This position is a stand alone runner tracking position. For Communication purposes, leading up to the race this position will receive information from the Antero Aid Station Captain This position will coordinate directly with the Comms Director. The volunteers for this shift will need transport themselves to the intersection of Chalk Creek road and Antero road. They will then use provided communication devices to input runner tracking information into the Open Split Time App.


38.710043, -106.291619

St Elmo - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Located on the outskirts of the Ghost town of St. Elmo (it's usually crowded with tourists), this aid station has quickly earned a reputation as a great place to see carnage. Runners will cross Laws Pass twice on their way to and from Cottonwood, racking up over 4k of vert in 12 miles. Due to the multi-directional traffic, St. Elmo is never slow or dull. Some runners move in and out quickly, others spend more time trying to recover. Either way, it's a great place for volunteers to see runners just starting to get into the teeth of the race. St. Elmo is captained by Jesse Peragine (2019 Finisher)- his second year as a Captain. Jesse has an infectious personality and brings a deep knowledge of the race to the table. St. Elmo has no cell service or running water, but does have a portapotty. Parking for the aid station is in the ghost town and requires a 1/4 mile (easy) hike to get to the aid station.


Coordinates: 38.705408, -106.349988

Cottonwood - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


One of the happiest and energetic aid stations, Cottonwood is nestled in a little meadow along the banks of Cottonwood Creek. Ringed on all sides by the peaks of Mineral Basin and the Continental Divide, it's downright charming. This is a crew accessible aid station, and shuttles are run by CORE, a local 4wd education and advocacy group. This is a great aid station for anyone, including families and first-time volunteers. Access to the aid station requires a moderately long drive on a rough 2wd road but is a great choice for volunteers who want to work on Friday, but can't come in the night before.


Coordinates: 38.764577, -106.336511

Tin Cup - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 3)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This small-but-mighty aid station plays a critical role for runners and is one of the most remote aid stations. Tin Cup is only 3.5 miles up the road from St. Elmo, but it marks the turn off of the road onto the remotest part of the course - alpine tunnel. Runners are usually really starting to grind at this point, and for some it's the beginning of the night. Set only a few hundred feet below treeline next to the Continental Divide, Tin Cup is a magical place. Quiet, peaceful, and scenic until runners arrive and then it lights up and turns into the highest back-country costume party in the world! This is a basic aid station, meaning it offers less food and drink options. Access to this aid station requires a high clearance 4wd truck, SUV or Jeep or the ability to hike 3.5 miles from the Ghost Town of St. Elmo. Tin Cup is captained by veteran volunteers - the husband/wife power-duo of John and Jennifer Danese. John is a two-time High Lonesome Finisher (2017 & 2018) and Jennifer is a rad outdoorswoman whose crew prowess is unsurpassed. You won't meet two cooler folks or encounter a more unique aid station! Tin Cup does not have cell service or restrooms, but has a nearby streams too


Coordinates: 38.692373, -106.414172

Hancock - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 3)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Ahhhh Hancock. Also known as Carnage City. It's the halfway point of the race and it's a wild ride. This is a crew accessible aid station and is the first point runners are allowed to pick up pacers. If you're looking for a true-100 miler aid station experience, this is your spot. Runners tend to be struggling with all the usual problems eating, drinking, blisters, fatigue, breathing, etc. This is a large aid station with a ton of moving parts. Volunteers have to manage parking, crews, pacers, gear checks, food prep, runner assistance, medical issues, comms issues, and more. Hancock is captained by Nick Leuck- his second year as a Captain and his second at Hancock. Nick is a kick ass captain who balances work and fun, brings a good crew, and knows his shit. Hancock doesn't have cell service, but does have a portapotty and a stream to filter water.


Coordinates: 38.639211, -106.361804

Lost Wonder Hut - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 3.5)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This is our only indoor aid station! Based out of the lovely Lost Wonder Hut, it's an incredibly important aid station. Runners are completely gassed at this point and are bracing themselves for the section ahead (the Ridge). The aid station is well equipped with a full (kind of) kitchen and numerous spots for runners to rest. Lost Wonder is a great experience, but due to the hours (it's open until 4am) it does require folks who work well on minimal sleep. Volunteers typically all go up to the hut at the same time and then break into shifts so everyone gets some sleep. Rumor has it, the best backcountry pizzas are baked here.


Coordinates: 38.571916, -106.329430

Purgatory - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 3.5)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Named for its mythical role as the place between Heaven and Hell, this aid station marks the last time above tree line (hell) but there is 3 miles of shit before runners get to Monarch Pass (heaven). Located on the Continental Divide in the Monarch Ski Area, this aid station runs through the middle of the night and is our one of only two aid stations with electricity. Purgatory is known for challenging weather, winds and destroyed runners. It's a full value volunteering experience! Volunteers typically go up together and break into shifts so everyone gets some sleep. Purgatory has cell service for most providers and has electricity, but does not have a water source or restrooms. Purgatory has a second year captain this year, 2017 High Lonesome finisher Tim Engle. Rumor has it that there will be some finger-licking goodies!


Coordinates: 38.517045, -106.344774

Monarch - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


The fortress on the hill, Monarch is a massive sanctuary for runners. It also marks the end of the high altitude running and for many runners their arrival here coincides with sunrise. Affectionately called Fort Monarch due to its size, volunteers here play an important role helping runners recover and manage problems. Runners are usually pretty spread out by this time, but as crews are allowed at Monarch it's always bustling. Complete with electricity, running water, restroom, and cell service for T-Mobile and AT&T this aid station is a roadside mountain oasis! Captained for the 4th year by Matt Royal, this aid station is an absolute blast! Matt has a knack for bringing people together and puts in massive effort to make this aid station legendary. You can't not have a great time at Monarch. Well, unless you are a runner with stomach issues...


Coordinates: 38.496236, -106.325321

Fooses - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


Runners will be breathing a sigh of relief when they reach this aid station literally! They have just descended over 2,000 ft since leaving Monarch and the extra oxygen is extremely welcomed. Fooses is one of those aid stations that runners either blow through or spend a lot of time in. Since it's lower in elevation, a lot of runners are finally getting their appetite back. For others, they are chomping at the bit to keep moving. Tucked away along a little creek and pond, it feels remote despite being only a mile from a major highway. Volunteers here take turns working the aid station and manning the highway crossing. Fooses does not have any cell service, but does have a restroom and water to filter.


Coordinates: 38.539770, -106.249442

Shavano - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


This is more of a water-drop and comms hub than a full aid station. The aid station will be just outside the Angel of Shavano Campground and its main purpose to track runners and ensure they don't get turned around in the campground every year there are a few delirious runners who seem to end up here! There is no cell service, but as it's near a campground this aid station is pretty comfortable.


Coordinates: 38.585138, -106.219551

Blanks Cabin - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 18, 2025

July 19, 2025


Located on the Colorado Trail at the base of Mt. Shavano, Blanks is one of the most beautiful aid stations. With ample secluded camping spots dispersed among the aspens, this aid station is within walking distance from the Mt. Shavano trail head which boasts a luxurious pit-vault toilet. Blanks is crew accessible and runners are usually spread out. Blanks is one of our longest-open aid stations and so requires a very coordinated sleeping schedule to make sure everyone is in top shape to help out the runners.


Coordinates: 38.595998, -106.199863

Raspberry Gulch Two - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points- 2.5)

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Raspberry is the first and last aid station for runners, and they almost seem like different aid stations! Raspberry 1 is only 7.7 miles into the race and crew accessible, so it's bustling! Runners tend to be in and out, which means mostly filling water bottles, making sure people park correctly, and tracking the HUGE rush of runners without missing anyone. Raspberry 1 is a popular aid station for people to use to double up their shifts since it's over quickly. Raspberry is captained by Wade Janacek (2018 HL100 Finisher) - his third year as Raspberry Captain. He's an excellent organizer and he coordinates the group camping so it's easy and fun for volunteers! Although there is no running water, there is good cell service here and a portapotty.


Coordinates: 38.689344, -106.170766

Finish Line - Comms/Runner Tracking (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Who doesn't want to welcome runners finishing a 100 miler?? There are few places as inspiring as the finish line of a 100 miler, and even fewer that have the views ours have! Volunteers at the finish will mostly be on cooking duty; making sure runners, crew and other volunteers are nourished and happy. Due to the fact it's at the end of the race, it's easily the biggest party spot on the course! This aid station has restrooms, cell service for all providers, camping, and plenty of left over water and peanut butter. The Finish Line is captained by Kevin Kaucher for his 5th year! Handed the reins about an hour before the first finisher in 2017, Kevin hasn't stopped rocking the aid station since. Always dressed in "MURICA" regalia, Kevin has been adding one piece of American flag apparel to his outfit each year. What will 2021 bring? You'll have to be there to find out, but rumor has it there's a rolling couch involved.


Coordinates: 38.741747, -106.158101

Course Team

Course Marking - Wednesday (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 16, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Course Marking requires running sections of the course and potentially carrying a significant amount of course marking while running. Some of the course marking sections will be in high altitude during the middle of the night. Course sweepers will need to have the ability to assist runners who may be having challenges getting to the next aid station. We know the course is beautiful and many people want to experience it, but please note we need experienced runners for these duties. When you sign up for course marking, the Race Director will contact you a few weeks before race day to determine the specific section you will mark.



Course Marking - Thursday (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 17, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Course Marking requires running sections of the course and potentially carrying a significant amount of course marking while running. Some of the course Marking sections will be in high altitude during the middle of the night. Course sweepers will need to have the ability to assist runners who may be having challenges getting to the next aid station. We know the course is beautiful and many people want to experience it, but please note we need experienced runners for these duties. When you sign up for course marking, the Race Director will contact you a few weeks before race day to determine the specific section you will mark.



Course Sweeping: Raspberry - Baldwin Gulch (Volunteer Points - 2)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This sweeping section is generally done as an out and back. The total distance is approximately 13 miles with including one of biggest climbs in the race and reaches the highest point of the course.

Although being out on this course seems glamorous, sweeping is critical to the execution of this race. Sweeping positions have two main jobs:

1. Runner Safety - Make sure any runner in need makes iot safely to an extraction point.
2. Course Cleanup - Sweepers should be committed to picking up 100% of course markings and any errant litter left behind by runners.

If you are interested in this shift please email Course Director
Andrew D’Arezzo @ with some details about your running experience. High Lonesome and Course Marking/Sweeping experience is preferred.


Start Coordinates: 38.68972391864964, -106.17035604963444
Finish Coordinates: Same

Course Sweeping St. Elmo - Cottonwood - St Elmo: (Volunteer Points - 2)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This sweeping section is done as an out and back. The total distance is approximately 12 miles and includes significant elevation gain reaching over 12,000 ft.

Although being out on this course seems glamorous, sweeping is critical to the execution of this race. Sweeping positions have two main jobs:

1. Runner Safety - Make sure any runner in need makes iot safely to an extraction point.
2. Course Cleanup - Sweepers should be committed to picking up 100% of course markings and any errant litter left behind by runners.

If you are interested in this shift please email Course Director Andrew D’Arezzo @ with some details about your running experience. High Lonesome and Course Marking/Sweeping experience is preferred.
Location (Optional)
Coordinates: 38.705408, -106.349988


Start Coordinates: 38.705429, -106.349930
Finish Coordinates: Same

Course Sweeping: St. Elmo to Hancock (Volunteer Points - 2)

July 18, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This sweeping section is approximately 12 miles, reaches into the early morning hours and is above tree line for a good portion of the way.

Although being out on this course seems glamorous, sweeping is critical to the execution of this race. Sweeping positions have two main jobs:

1. Runner Safety - Make sure any runner in need makes iot safely to an extraction point.
2. Course Cleanup - Sweepers should be committed to picking up 100% of course markings and any errant litter left behind by runners.

If you are interested in this shift please email Course Director Andrew D’Arezzo @ with some details about your running experience. High Lonesome and Course Marking/Sweeping experience is preferred.


Start Coordinates: 38.705429, -106.349930
Finish Coordinates: 38.6394242252596, -106.36189514447965

Course Sweeping Hancock - Monarch (Volunteer Points - 2.5)

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This section is what we call the crux of course sweeping shits. It is 19.5 miles long at consistently high elevation, and is through the middle of the night. We give this section an additional person because it is so critical to runner safety and is simply a long night. We really want people who are experienced running through the night and are comfortable with this distance and elevation.

Although being out on this course seems glamorous, sweeping is critical to the execution of this race. Sweeping positions have two main jobs:

1. Runner Safety - Make sure any runner in need makes iot safely to an extraction point.
2. Course Cleanup - Sweepers should be committed to picking up 100% of course markings and any errant litter left behind by runners.

If you are interested in this shift please email Course Director Andrew D’Arezzo @ with some details about your running experience. High Lonesome and Course Marking/Sweeping experience is REQUIRED.


Start Coordinates: 38.6394242252596, -106.36189514447965
End Coordinates: 38.49644467087245, -106.32550288145279

Course Sweeping Monarch to Blanks (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


15.5 miles of downhill and rolling terrain. This section is relatively long and can get very hot on Saturday towards the end of the shift at lower elevation.

Although being out on this course seems glamorous, sweeping is critical to the execution of this race. Sweeping positions have two main jobs:

1. Runner Safety - Make sure any runner in need makes iot safely to an extraction point.
2. Course Cleanup - Sweepers should be committed to picking up 100% of course markings and any errant litter left behind by runners.

If you are interested in this shift please email Course Director Andrew D’Arezzo @ with some details about your running experience. High Lonesome and Course Marking/Sweeping experience is preferred.


Start Coordinates: 38.49644467087245, -106.32550288145279
End Coordinates: 38.59600575086438, -106.1998415997973

Course Sweeping Blanks to Raspberry (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


9.5 miles of rolling Colorado Trial single track on a Saturday morning. What could be better?

Although being out on this course seems glamorous, sweeping is critical to the execution of this race. Sweeping positions have two main jobs:

1. Runner Safety - Make sure any runner in need makes iot safely to an extraction point.
2. Course Cleanup - Sweepers should be committed to picking up 100% of course markings and any errant litter left behind by runners.

If you are interested in this shift please email Course Director Andrew D’Arezzo @ with some details about your running experience. High Lonesome and Course Marking/Sweeping experience is preferred.


Start Coordinates: 38.59600575086438, -106.1998415997973
End Coordinates: 38.68972391864964, -106.17035604963444

Course Sweeping Raspberry 2 - Finish (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Brining it home for the sweeping crew! 7.3 miles, partly on the Colorado Trail, partly on the road. The best part is you get to cross the finish line and close out the race.

Although being out on this course seems glamorous, sweeping is critical to the execution of this race. Sweeping positions have two main jobs:

1. Runner Safety - Make sure any runner in need makes iot safely to an extraction point.
2. Course Cleanup - Sweepers should be committed to picking up 100% of course markings and any errant litter left behind by runners.

If you are interested in this shift please email Course Director Andrew D’Arezzo @ with some details about your running experience. High Lonesome and Course Marking/Sweeping experience is preferred.


Start Coordinates: 38.68972391864964, -106.17035604963444
End Coordinates: 38.74118423138755, -106.16008187925739

Wagon Wheel Course Marshalls - (Volunteer Points: 1)

July 19, 2025


***Signing up for multiple shifts will require multiple registrations. When registering for multiple shifts please do not schedule overlapping shifts and take care to give yourself adequate time for travel and sleep***

We are stationing people here to make sure the last runners on the course do not make a wrong turn down Wagon Wheel from the CT. Hopefully these folks can give runners the last bit of energy they need to make it to Raspberry Gulch 2!


Coordinates: 38.661534636060146, -106.1792927317772

Course Sweeping - Sunday Leave No Trace Team (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 20, 2025


Specific segments will be assigned to runners based on experience level. All segments will be swept by teams of 2-3. Volunteers for these shifts should plan to move slowly and be very diligent to make sure 100% of course markers have been removed and any lingering trash from runners has been removed from the trail.

Runner Check-In and Gear Check

Thursday Runner Check-In (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 17, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Thursday is runner check in. This is a really fun shift because you get to see the majority of runners and the energy is infectious! These shifts usually start around 11am on Thursday and end at 7pm.


559 S Railroad St, Buena Vista, CO 81211

Friday - Pre-Race Gear Check (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 18, 2025


Itching to see the race start? This is a great spot for you. You will be a provided with a list of mandatory gear that every runner must present prior to the race start. You will check to make sure they have their gear and hopefully calm their nerves in the last moments before the start!


Coordinates: 38.741747, -106.158101

Cottonwood Gear Check - (Volunteer Points - 1)

July 18, 2025


This position will require volunteers to check each runner to make sure they have the required Divide Gear on their person before exiting the Cottonwood Aid Station.


Coordinates: 38.76451579603658, -106.33661118596304

Hancock Gear Check - (Volunteer Points - 1.5)

July 18, 2025


This position will require volunteers to check each runner to make sure they have the required Divide Gear on their person before exiting the Hancock Aid Station.


Coordinates: 38.63936331678324, -106.36196901283307

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