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Pre Race Days

Sort Race T-shirts, Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from 1:00pm-4:00pm Medium Priority

March 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Sort race t-shirts by gender and size and put on appropriate table.


Solis Hall, 19745 Wellen Park Blvd
Venice, FL 34293

Stuff race bags Wednesday, March 12, 2025 from 10:00am-1:00pm Medium Priority

March 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Person will stuff race bags with materials in an assembly line format.


Solis Hall, 19745 Wellen Park Blvd
Venice, FL 34293

Packet Pickup

Early Packet Pickup March 13, 2025 3PM to 7PM High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Person will issue race bibs, shirts and any other race information to participants. Persons will use race day check-in. Meet at Solis Hall at 2:40pm


Solis Hall

Early Packet Pickup March 14, 2025 12PM-4PM High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Person will issue race bibs, shirts and any other race information to participants. Persons will use race day check-in. Meet at Solis Hall at 11:40am


Solis Hall

Race Day Registration/Packet Pickup - March 15, 2025 6:15-7:15am High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025


This volunteer opportunity involves helping sign-in participants the morning of the race. Once race has started and registration table is closed, you will move to the finish line location and help pass out water to runners who have finished the race.


Solis Hall, Wellen Park.

Lead Bike 1/2 Marathon - 7:30am

Lead Bike 1/2 Marathon Start 7:30am High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This volunteer opportunity involves leading 1/2 marathon participants through the 1/2 marathon course. Individual must be familiar with the course prior to race morning. Individual must be mindful of traffic.


Volunteer leads the 5K Runners. Person must ride the course at least once prior to the start of the race. Volunteer needs to keep a safe distance from the 1st runner, and remain within site of the runner.

Lead Bike 5K - 7:45am

Lead Bike 5K Start 7:45am High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This volunteer opportunity involves leading 5K participants through the 5K course. Individual must be familiar with the course prior to race morning. Report to Solis Hall for volunteer meeting 6:30am, be lined up ready to go by 7:15am.


Volunteer leads the 5K Runners. Person must ride the course at least once prior to the start of the race. Volunteer needs to keep a safe distance from the 1st runner, and remain within site of the runner.

Water Station/Stops

Water Station 1 - 1/2 Marathon (Mile 2) High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This volunteer opportunity involves managing the water stop you've been stationed at for the duration of the race. This includes picking up any cups left behind by runners, filling water cups, and communicating if water and Gatorade has run out. Volunteer report time at Solis Hall is 6:30am. Volunteers must be at the water station by 7:15am. Estimated time at this station is 1 hour. When all of runners have passed, go to Water Station 6 to help if need be.


Station is located at the U-turn on Playmore.

Water Station 2 - 1/2 Marathon (Mile 4) High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This volunteer opportunity involves managing the water stop you've been stationed at for the duration of the race. Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteers must be at the station by 7:15am. Estimated time at the station is 1.5 hr. This includes picking up any cups left behind by runners, filling water cups, and communicating if water and Gatorade has run out. Contact the volunteer coordinator when all of the runners have passed.


Position is at the Mile 4 marker on Manasota Beach Rd - hand water and/or Gatorade to runners.

Water Station 3 - 1/2 Marathon (Mile 6) High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This volunteer opportunity involves managing the water stop you've been stationed at for the duration of the race. Report to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer brief. Volunteer must be at the station by 7:15am. This includes picking up any cups left behind by runners, filling water cups, and communicating if water and Gatorade has run out. Estimated time at station is 2 hours. Contact the volunteer coordinator when all of the runners have passed.


Position is on West Villages at the Mile 6 Marker. Hand water and/or Gatorade to runners.

Water Station 4 - 1/2 Marathon (Mile 8) High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Report to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:15am. This volunteer opportunity involves managing the water stop you've been stationed at for the duration of the race. This includes picking up any cups left behind by runners, filling water cups, and communicating if water and Gatorade has run out. Estimated number of hours at this stop 2 hrs. Contact the volunteer coordinator when all of the runners have passed.


Position is on Merlot Rd at the Mile 8 marker. Hand water and/or Gatorade to runners.

Water Station 5 - 1/2 Marathon (Mile 10) High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteer must report to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be at the Station by 7:30am. This volunteer opportunity involves managing the water stop you've been stationed at for the duration of the race. This includes picking up any cups left behind by runners, filling water cups, and communicating if water and Gatorade has run out. Estimated number of hours at this station is 2.5 hours.


Position is on West Villages at the Mile 10 marker. Hand water and/or Gatorade to runners.

Water Station 6 - 1/2 Marathon (Mile 11.5) & 5K Water Stop High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteers must report to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteers must be in place by 7:30am. This volunteer opportunity involves managing the water stop you've been stationed at for the duration of the race. This includes picking up any cups left behind by runners, filling water cups, and communicating if water and Gatorade has run out. Estimated time at this station is 3hr 15min.


Position serves two purposes. Hand water (only) to the 5K runners. Remain in place until the 1/2 Marathon runners reach station. Hand water and/or Gatorade to runners.

Finish Line Water - Wellen Park Blvd High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This volunteer opportunity involves handing out water to participants as they cross the finish line. Water must be available to participants immediately. This includes picking up cups and replenishing water when necessary. Volunteer must arrive by 6:30am for a briefing and be in place at 7:45a.m.


Hand water to participants as they cross the finish line.

Hand Out Finisher Medals at Finish Line - Wellen Park Blvd High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Report to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Report to volunteer position by 7:45am. This volunteer opportunity involves handing out finisher medals to participants as they cross the finish line. Everyone who crosses the line receives a finisher medal. Estimated volunteer time is 3.5 hours.


Finish Line in downtown area.

Course Marshall Half Marathon

Course Marshall 1 - Downtown Wellen High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Report to Solis Hall at 6:30 for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in position 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course. Estimated time at station is 3.5hrs


Located in the down area on Wellen Park Blvd. 1st left turn on Springtide Way after the start of the 5K and last Right turn off of Springtide Way onto Wellen Park Blvd

Course Marshall 2 - Downtown Wellen High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Report to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course. Estimate time at this position is 3.5hrs


Located in the downtown area. Left turn off of Springtide Way onto Sunglow Blvd after the start of the 5K and guide finishers of both races back on to Springtide Way.

Course Marshall 3 - Sunglow Blvd & Preto Blvd High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Report to Solis Hall at 6:30 for a volunteer briefing. Volunteers must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course. Estimated time at station is 3.5hrs.


T-intersection of Sunglow Blvd and Preto Blvd. Volunteers will direct 1/2 marathon runners right towards the fire station. Volunteers will then direct 5K to the runners left. Voluenteer(s) will direct all runners returning to the runners right on Sunglow Blvd.

Course Marshall 4 - 1/2 Marathon U-Turn on Preto Blvd High Priority

March 15, 2025


Report to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course. Once the runners have passed, follow the police officer to Course Monitor #16. This is the U-turn by Publix parking lot. Estimated volunteer time is 3hrs.


Location is the U-turn BEFORE the fire station. Volunteer(s) will direct 1/2 Marathon runners around the U-turn on Preto Blvd.

Course Marshall 5 - Corner of Preto Blvd & Playmore Rd High Priority

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am.This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Location is the 5K U-turn and 1/2 marathon right turn onto Playmore Road. Volunteers direct 5K runners onto the other side of Preto Blvd directing the runners towards Sunglow Blvd. Then after last runner on way out you will move to other side of Preto and direct runners off of Playmore right to Preto on the return of Half Marathon.

Course Marshall 6 - U-Turn on Playmore Rd High Priority

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is located at the 1st U-turn on Playmore Road.

Course Marshall 7 - Corner of Playmore Rd and Preto Blvd High Priority

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is located at the corner of Playmore Road and Preto Blvd. Volunteer will direct runners to the runners right (follow the arrow). Remind runners to stay to the right side of the road.

Course Marshall 8 - U-Turn Preto Blvd High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is at the the 1st U-turn at the end of Preto Blvd, just after the intersection of Preto and Manasota Beach Rd.

Course Marshall 9 - Corner of Preto Blvd & Manasota Beach Rd High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is at the corner of Preto and Manasota Beach Rd. Volunteer directs runners right coming from the U-turn.

Course Marshall 10 - Corner of Manasota Beach Rd & West Villages Pkwy High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is at the corner of Manasota Beach Road and West Villages Parkway. Volunteers directs runners to the right. Runners stay to the right side of the road.

Course Marshall 11 - U-Turn on West Villages Pkwy High Priority

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is located at the end of West Villages Pkwy U-turn. They direct runners around the U-turn staying on West Villages Pkwy until Playmore. Volunteer directs runners to stay to the right.

Course Marshall 12 - Corner of West Villages & Playmore High Priority

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is at the corner of West Villages and Playmore. Volunteers direct runners right onto Playmore. Runners must stay to the right side of the road.

Course Marshall 13 - Corner of Playmore & Merlot High Priority

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is at the corner of Playmore and Merlot. Volunteers direct runners to the runners LEFT.

Course Marshall 14 - U-turn on Merlot High Priority

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is located at the U-turn on Merlot. Volunteer directs runners around the U-turn. Runners stay to the right side of the road.

Course Marshall 15 - Corner of Playmore & West Villages High Priority

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is located at the corner of Playmore and West Villages, Right turn.

Course Marshall 16 - U-turn on West Villages High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is located at the U-turn of West Villages. Volunteer directs runners around the U-turn

Course Marshall 17 - Corner of West Villages & Playmore High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Volunteer is located at corner of West Villages Parkway and Playmore Rd. Directing Half Marathon Runners off of West Villages right onto Playmore RD.

Course Marshall 18 - Intersection of Wellen Park Blvd & Sunglow Blvd High Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Corner of Wellen Park Blvd and Sunglow Blvd. Direct Half Marathon Runners Left on Sunglow at start. Then direct returning runners straight to Springtide Way.

Course Marshall 19 - Intersection of Preto and Brookgreen Rd High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025


Report to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be at the station by 7:40am. Once all of the runners have passed, contact the volunteer coordinator. Estimate time at this station is 1.5hrs. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. Ensure runners cross the road safety. Potential for cross traffic. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Station is in front of Brookgreen Rd entrance community. Ensure runners cross the road safety. Potential for cross traffic

Course Marshall 20 - Roundabout on W. Villages & Manasota Beach Rd. East side of roundabout. High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


West Villages roundabout going towards water stop #3. Position requires person to stop traffic (if need be).

Course Marshall 21 - Entrance at Predo and Pinnacle Low Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:15am. Do not park in the bike lane the runners are using. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Entrance of Predo and Pinnacle as runners pass in front of housing development.

Course Marshall 22 - Entrance of Brightmore Blvd and W. Villages Pkwy Low Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025


Volunteer reports to Solis Hall at 6:30am for a volunteer briefing. Volunteer must be in place by 7:20am. This volunteer opportunity involves directing runners in the correct direction from your station for the duration of the race. All volunteers stationed as course marshals must pay high attention to participants of the race and make sure everyone is going in the correct direction as well as notifying race and local officials of any problems or injuries with runners or on the course.


Entrance at Gulf Wellen on W. Villages Pkwy.

Post Race

Awards MC and Assistant

March 15, 2025

Other Tasks

Monitor closed off road and Racers navigation through cones Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Stand at corner of Wellen Park Blvd & Sunglow and make sure the blocked off road is maintained. Runners on the way out need to look out for cones, and runners on the way back need to NOT go down Wellen Park Rd but continue down to Springtide. Report to Solis Hall for volunteer meeting 6:45am, be lined up ready to go by 7:15am.

Monitor cones at blocked of road on Springtide in front of Acqua Pazza Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Ensure runners don't run into cones and no cars go through, exception would be delivery truck for Banyan House. Report to Solis Hall for volunteer meeting 6:45am, be lined up ready to go by 7:15am.

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