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Santa Hat 5K & 1M Family Fun Run/Walk

Sun December 1, 2024 Honolulu, HI 96814 US Directions

Course Marshal High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Report to Magic Island at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, December 1, 2024, for assignment as a course marshal along the course on Magic Island or Ala Moana Beach Park.


Magic Island, mauka side near the parking lot.

Equipment Load, set up, breakdown, and return High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Load necessary equipment on Saturday, November 30, 2024, at the club storage unit. Deliver, unload, and set up the equipment on race day, Sunday, December 1, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. on Magic Island. Breakdown, load, and return equipment to the club storage locker after the race - approximately 6:30 p.m. Contact Craig Knohl to coordinate at 808-228-5306 or


Hawaii Self Storage at 907 Dillingham Blvd, near Costco.

Refreshments and/or Aid Station Assistance

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Set up and manage refreshments table. Report to volunteer coordinator at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, December 1, 2024.


Magic Island, mauka side near the parking lot.

Race day photos

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Take photos of the race on race day from 4PM to finish (~6 PM),


Magic Island, mauka side near the parking lot.

Awards Ceremony

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Assist with presentation of awards after the race starting shortly after 4:15 PM.


Magic Island, mauka side near the parking lot.

Finish Line

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Hand out finisher jingle bell necklaces at the finish line starting shortly after 4:15 PM.


Magic Island, mauka side near the parking lot.

Santa's Helper

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Report to Magic Island at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, December 1, 2024, to assist with Santa Hat sales and Santa photos after the race.


Magic Island, mauka side near the parking lot.

Race Day Check-in

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Report to Magic Island at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, December 1, 2024, to complete race day registrations and participant check-in.


Magic Island, mauka side near the parking lot.

Packet Pick Up

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Hand out bib numbers, pins, and shirts the DAY BEFORE THE RACE, Saturday, November 30, 2024, 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m, The Running Room, 819 Kapahulu Ave.


The Running Room
819 Kapahulu Ave

Race Day Set Up

Minimum met.


Assist with setting up tent, tables, finish line, etc., then breakdown & pack up after the race starting at 2:30 PM and ending approximately at 6 PM.


Magic Island, mauka side near the parking lot.

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