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Thin Mint Sprint 2025

Fox River Grove, IL 60021 US

Check-In High Priority

You must be 14-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

September 13, 2025


Arrive by 7:45 am
Greet participants with a smile
Confirm their registration & completion of waiver


Lions Park
104 Beachway Dr
Fox River Grove, IL 60021

Cookie/Medal Table Medium Priority

You must be 8-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

September 13, 2025


Arrive by 9am
Give out cookies & medals when participants cross the finish line


Lions Park
104 Beachway Dr
Fox River Grove, IL 60021

Water Station Medium Priority

You must be 8-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

September 13, 2025


Arrive by 9am
Set up & stay at water station located at halfway point


Lions Park
104 Beachway Dr
Fox River Grove, IL 60021

Set-Up High Priority

You must be 12-75 years old to volunteer for this task.

September 13, 2025


Arrive by 7:30am
Assist vendors/exhibitors/sponsors unload & set up their booths


Lions Park
104 Beachway Dr
Fox River Grove, IL 60021

Tear Down Medium Priority

You must be 12-75 years old to volunteer for this task.

September 13, 2025


Arrive by 11:30am
Assist vendors, exhibitors, sponsors tear down booths & load


Lions Park
104 Beachway Dr
Fox River Grove, IL 60021

First Aid High Priority

You must be 18-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

September 13, 2025


Arrive on time
Medical Professionals needed for First Aid booth
All first aid supplies will be provided


Lions Park
104 Beachway Dr
Fox River Grove, IL 60021

Bounce House Supervision High Priority

You must be 18-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

September 13, 2025


Supervise and maintain the appropriate number of individuals


Lions Park
104 Beachway Dr
Fox River Grove, IL 60021

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