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Da Deer Run Run

Sat December 6, 2025 Hudson, IL 61748 US Directions

Race Bib and Apparel pickup at Stern lodge High Priority

December 6, 2025


Saturday Race Day, from 9:45 AM-11:00 AM,

1. Welcome the runners and family members.
2. Ask if they have pre-registered, if so ask for their name.
3. If pre-registered, hand out bib and Sweatshirt
4. Race Day Registration will have hats, while supplies last.

Clean Up Crew Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Pickup trash, clean up around Stern Lodge. Pickup course markings.

Race Refreshments

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Assist with food and drink preparation.

Course Marshalls

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Assist with parts of the course, where runners may need assistance with staying on the course.

Lead Mountain biker

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Need a lead mountain biker to lead the runners on the first loop of the Deer Run 8K course. Will need to be able to ride a speed faster than 6:00 pace and also pre-ride the course ahead of time.

Finish Line

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


The Deer Run will have this year!


Timber Pointe Nature Center.
The Finish line will be just west of the stern lodge.
Refreshments and lunch will be provided

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